[Mailman-Developers] lock lifetime

Barry A. Warsaw bwarsaw@cnri.reston.va.us
Wed, 22 Mar 2000 14:06:12 -0500 (EST)

>>>>> "RK" == Ricardo Kustner <ricardo@rixhq.nu> writes:

    RK> "...  In any case, you can easily try it out; in
    RK> Mailman/MailList.py, on or around line 282, there should be a
    RK> 'lifetime = 60', inside the constructor for the maillists'
    RK> lockfile. Changing the '60' in, say, '600', should give you
    RK> better mileage, at least until your machine gets so heavily
    RK> loaded that a simple admin request takes ten full minutes to
    RK> process ;) "

One other gotcha, if you use bin/withlist to open a locked list and
then exit the interpreter without doing an explicit m.Unlock(), you're
list will be locked out for the duration.

Still, I'm willing to put something in Defaults.py like this:

# How long is the default lifetime for the MailList object lock, in seconds?

and then set lifetime at line 282 to use this variable.

Will that work for you?