[Mailman-Developers] including subscribe address in message

Dan Mick Dan Mick <Dan.Mick@West.Sun.COM>
Thu, 22 Jun 2000 14:09:19 -0700 (PDT)

There's been a *lot* of discussion about similar things wrt MLMs in
general (qmail/ezmlm call this "VERP").

What it means is you must send N different messages, where N is
the number of subscribers on your list, whereas now you send
1 message with M connections, where M is usually significantly
less than M.  So you drastically increase both filesystem and
network load to do something like this.

Mailman doesn't currently support anything like this, although
a custom Handlers/ module in 2.x will make it a lot easier to 
drop such a thing in, from what I can tell.

> Before I start looking into this I thought I'd check to see if it's already
> been done/investigated.
> I would like to include a line that says:
> You are subscribed as: fife@AnwyhereYouGo.com
> in the body of the message on the way out.  I know it will increase the
> needed processing of messages tremendously, but it would be good for our
> subscribers as well as the list admin (me!).  Our mail server doesn't have
> anything better to do anyway...