[Mailman-Developers] Re: almost found the b3 bug?... ALMOST

Ricardo - Miss Janet . Fanclub ricardo@miss-janet.com
Sun, 2 Jul 2000 00:51:31 +0200

On Sat, Jul 01, 2000 at 12:38:56PM -0400, Barry A. Warsaw wrote:
> Okay, I cannot reproduce the problems that Ricardo is having.  In a
> nutshell, he sent me one of the qfiles/msg.db files generated after
> approval but before qrunner saw it.

after spending almost all day digging in the code, i decided
to create a test list and try out every config option i set
for the normal list... and then i finally found a way to reproduce

try creating a moderated list with the option 
"Send mail to poster when their posting is held for approval?"
set to YES (defaults to NO) ... and then you'll experience 
the same trouble as I have...
i'm going to have a look if I can find the exact bug, but i'm not
sure if i'll be able too... i understand a lot more now about
the way the pipelining works, but it's quite complicated to
follow through the code...
