[Mailman-Developers] unsubscriptions requiring approval

Harald Meland Harald.Meland@usit.uio.no
09 Feb 2000 19:13:03 +0100

[Thomas Wouters]

> So instead I hacked the same behaviour into mailman -- include a
> seperate file. Not intended for general use, which is why I didn't
> post it here, and it has _no_ security, but it works ;)

Random thought: Would it be a good idea to add

 <INPUT TYPE="file" NAME="posters_file" VALUE="filename" SIZE=50 MAXLENGTH=80>

type thingies for some of the text boxes which have to take rather
large amounts of text, or would it just clutter things?

> A colleague of mine found a bug, though (the hard way ;).
> MailList.MailList.DeleteMember() tries to call
> 'ApprovedDeleteMember()' instead of
> 'self.ApprovedDeleteMember()'.

Thanks for letting me know, I've fixed this in my local copy too, now.

> regarding patch: you need to do 'patch -p0'.

Hmmmm, I already knew about -p0, and had tried that, but I get this
(when standing in the toplevel Mailman directory, i.e. the one
containing INSTALL etc.):

  octarine$ patch -p0 --dry-run < ~/mailman-unsub-approval.diff 
  can't find file to patch at input line 9
  Perhaps you used the wrong -p or --strip option?
  The text leading up to this was:
  |? templates/unsubauth.txt
  |Index: Mailman/Bouncer.py
  |RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/mailman/Mailman/Bouncer.py,v
  |retrieving revision 1.37
  |diff -u -r1.37 Bouncer.py
  |--- Bouncer.py 1999/12/16 17:11:04     1.37
  |+++ Bouncer.py 2000/02/08 00:57:47
  File to patch: ^C

etc.  Thus my suspicion that patch isn't recognizing the Index: stuff,
which I believe was put there by CVS.  This is with GNU patch 2.5.

> > My immediate comment would be:
> >   How fast can we get this guy to sign the appropriate papers?
> Me ? Are they the grep-able or the dead-tree kind of papers ?

Well, that depends on whether anyone has finished work on that wetware
grep yet ;)

I'm talking about the stuff explained in <URL:
http://www.gnu.org/prep/maintain_3.html#SEC3> -- I suspect that both
you and a few others are (at least) bordering on "significant changes"
to Mailman if most of the (very nice) patches you have submitted get
checked in.

> do I need to fax, or do you need to fax me something ? I have access
> to such things here at work, thankfully ;)

I don't have access to any GNU machines, so I won't be able to help
you with this stuff.  Barry is the official maintainer, so he should
be able to sort this out (but please do give him some time to respond,
in case he is heavily swamped at the moment).

For what it's worth: When I did this, I received the appropriate
templates[1] by email, printed them out, filled them in by hand, and
then snail-mailed them (the originals) back across the Atlantic.

[1] two, IIRC -- one (disclaim.future) to say my employer disclaims
    any ownership on the work I do on Mailman (signed by my boss), and
    one (assign.future) to say that I transfer copyright of my future
    work (either for all future, or for X years, IIRC) work on Mailman
    to the FSF (signed by me).