[Mailman-Developers] Installing on virtual server - info offered

Dave Klingler davek@mail.commercedata.com
Sun, 31 Dec 2000 11:32:08 -0700 (MST)

Hi folks.  I also appear to have solved most of the bugaboos, after trying
about five or six different approaches (whew!).  I'm still trying to get
the Redhat cron to run qrunner correctly, but I'd like to compare notes.

BTW, I would love it if there were some way to separate the CGI prefix from
the MTA and admin script prefix - this makes it tough to install on virtual
machines.  I spent the morning browsing the code to figure out how it all 
works and eventually try to spot a way to do it.  It'd be lovely and wonderful
to just edit a mailman.conf file and have everything work automagically; that
way it'd be much easier to create new virtual Mailman installations whenever
one creates a new host without rebuilding the package.  I realize that right 
now, anyway, Mailman isn't architected that way, but one can dream...

Thanks to everyone for a neat package!  

Happy New Year!
Dave Klingler

> I wanted to run Mailman on a virtual web hosting account, namely on a
> Cobalt RaQ.  I didn't find any advice in the mailing list archives,
> only a couple of other people asking how.  So I disregarded the "You
> will need root access on the machine hosting your Mailman
> installation" in the README, had a go and (modulo a few hoops jumped
> through) appear to have succeeded.
> As a contribution to the community I would like to write up some notes
> on what I did, and make them available.  Can you suggest where and in
> what form would be the best way to do that?  Maybe a wiki or faqomatic
> where others can add their own input / caveats etc?
> Regards,
> -- 
> Colin Hogben