[Mailman-Developers] features I would like to see

Brian Edmonds brian@gweep.bc.ca
24 Apr 2000 11:34:29 -0700

I'm a longtime Majordomo admin, and just installed Mailman.  It looks
good enough that I'm in the process of migrating most/all of my lists to
it, but there are still some features I'd like to see:

1. In addition to digesting by size and daily, digesting by delay.  I've
   hacked my Majordomo install to send daily digests, but only if more
   than 24 hours had elapsed since the first post that would be in the
   digest.  This way busy lists that digest through the day based on
   size never get a stubby daily digest (or no digest for long periods
   if they suddenly go low traffic and are on size digesting only).  Low
   volume lists typically digest every other day.  The delay time should 
   be configurable on a per-list basis, of course.

2. Taboo body matches.  The taboo headers are nice, but I also like to
   check if the list's .sig is included in the message as a heuristic
   for overquoting.

3. When handling non-member submission bounces for subscribers sending
   from alternate addresses it would be very nice to have a checkbox
   that in addition to approving the message will subscribe the address
   with the nomail option set.

   It would also be nice if the subscription could somehow include a
   comment that this is an alternate address, and even better if an
   unsubscribe of the primary address would unsub the alternates.  And
   an appropriate comment in the monthly password reminder for records
   of this sort (or perhaps not mailing them for alternates, just
   mentioning the alternate addresses in the main mailing).

   Adding alternate addresses to subscriber records would be an even
   better way to implement the feature, but may be harder, and the
   automated nomail subscription would be nice in the near term if
   alternate addresses would be a long-term feature.

I'm sure there will be more, but those are the main ones that have come
up so far.
