[Mailman-Developers] New MTA interface in mailman 2.0b

Harald Meland Harald.Meland@usit.uio.no
12 Apr 2000 15:54:54 +0200

[Nigel Metheringham]

>     NM>  2. I'm concerned the patch above might do bad things when it
>     NM> comes to sending out list reminders :-)
>     BW> Password reminders are sent through DeliverToUser.  You can 
> actually
>     BW> force a mass password reminder mailing by running
> Let me explain further....
> The sendmail command is given by
> 	cmd = mm_cfg.SENDMAIL_CMD + ' -f ' + mlist.GetAdminEmail() + ' '
> So the sender is set to be the list admin address.
> However when sending passwords out presumably there isn't a single list 
> thats being dealt with - so will that mlist.GetAdminEmail() work 
> correctly?

No, I don't think it will.

IIRC, cron/mailpasswds iterates through all lists, and uses the
message pipeline of the _first_ public list it finds for delivering
all the reminders.  That means that with your patch, any bounced
reminders will go to the unfortunate admin of that first public list.

[ In Mailman 1.1, cron/mailpasswds used 'mailman-owner' as envelope
  sender, which although far from optimal is better than the current
  situation, IMO. ]

I think it would be better to solve this by overriding the GetSender()
method in the various Message subclasses.