[Mailman-Developers] Re: Mailman development organisation

Barry A. Warsaw bwarsaw@python.org
Tue, 17 Aug 1999 23:58:34 -0400 (EDT)

>>>>> "BR" == Bernhard Reiter <bernhard@uwm.edu> writes:

    BR> Not much ftp space is needed.  I can't offer time, but if
    BR> there is no other ftp space, FFII might be able to offer
    BR> some. Is there some space, where Mailman is maintained now?

Time's the more important issue, really.  Either list.org or
python.org's got the space, but the permission issue might be
problematic (I sure wish I had time to Zope-ify python.org).

    BR> Thanks for the offer!  It is well received. The next problem I
    BR> will hack on will be hypermail. First the overview page
    BR> generation and then, maybe the connection to Mailman.

Very cool.  Please continue!