[Mailman-Developers] /home/mailman/cron/senddigests

Corbett J. Klempay cklempay@acm.jhu.edu
Tue, 22 Sep 1998 12:02:50 -0400 (EDT)

I seem to be getting daily messages from senddigests...it normally barfs
with a little more info, but today's was this sparse...any file I can
check/delete to cure this?

Corbett J. Klempay			         Quote of the Week:
http://www2.acm.jhu.edu/~cklempay  "The only difference between a rut and a
                                    grave are the dimensions."

PGP Fingerprint: 7DA2 DB6E 7F5E 8973 A8E7  347B 2429 7728 76C2 BEA1

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 1998 12:00:01 -0400
From: Cron Daemon <root@chimera.acm.jhu.edu>
To: mailman@chimera.acm.jhu.edu
Subject: Cron <mailman@chimera> /usr/local/bin/python

deliver: parent uid 514, gid 100, egid 100
deliver child: uid 514, gid 100, egid 100
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