[Mailman-Developers] Re: [Mailman-Users] Multilingual support in mailman?

Dan Ohnesorg, admin of POWER Dan.Ohnesorg@feld.cvut.cz
Tue, 7 Jul 1998 23:43:25 +0200

On 7 Jul 98, at 15:15, Barry A. Warsaw wrote:

> Actually, my architecture should be expanded a bit to make it work for 
> multiple languages.  Currently, there's a function called maketext()
> in the Utils module that takes a relative filename and a dictionary.
> The file is pulled out of the templates directory and contains %(key)s 
> for interpolation of the dict.
> What we'd probably want to add are subdirs inside of templates for the 
> various languages.  Then each list would have to have a language
> option which would get passed to Utils.maketext() so that it could
> select the appropriate file to use (e.g. templates/en/cronpass.txt
> would the be English text, templates/hu/cronpass.txt would the be
> Hungarian, etc.).

Very interesting, I will made czech translations.

Some sugestion, mailman should select, in which language to 
respon from top domain name in e-mail. FE ...cz = czech, com = 
english and so on.


P.S. Why is there no respon to my patch???? Is so bad??? I 
think it mades interesting thinks.......

DD   DD                Dan Ohnesorg, supervisor on POWER     
DD  OOOO               Dan@feld.cvut.cz
DD OODDOO              Dep. of Power Engineering
DDDDDD OO              CTU FEL Prague, Bohemia
   OO  OO              work: +420 2 24352785;+420 2 24972109
    OOOO               home: +420 311 679679;+420 311 679311
Kdyz jdes do sebe, nezastavuj pred kazdou hospodou.