[Mailman-developers] Bug: includes Reply-To in administrative messages

Barry A. Warsaw bwarsaw@CNRI.Reston.Va.US (Barry A. Warsaw)
Mon, 27 Apr 1998 12:23:00 -0400 (EDT)

>>>>> "JV" == John Viega <jtv2j@cs.virginia.edu> writes:

>>>>> "JV" == John Viega <jtv2j@cs.virginia.edu> writes:

    JV> While I've certainly been a strong detractor of Reply-to ever
    JV> since reading that article, there are still those who do not
    JV> agree.  I think adding the reply-to header should be an
    JV> option, although it should be strongly discouraged.

Strongly, strongly discouraged.  Even include a link that to page and
some text saying: "You don't really want to do this, but if you think
you do, read this document first".  :-)

    JV> Ugh, I just went to the discussion forum off that page for the
    JV> first time in quite a while.  I see where well over a year ago
    JV> I suggested that replies to a list should not be sent out to
    JV> people who are in the TO or CC line (at least as an option).
    JV> I'm pretty sure that feature is no longer in Mailman, and it
    JV> should definitely go back in.  If someone has time to Mailman
    JV> hack in the near future, please consider adding that :)

I guess you mean Mailman should check the To/CC address against the
list of people in the expanded list, and winnow out duplicates.  That
would be pretty cool.
