[IPython-dev] Re: [IPython-user] win32 installer woes...

Viktor Ransmayr viktor.ransmayr at t-online.de
Mon Jan 24 15:52:44 EST 2005

Hi Fernando,

You wrote:

> Fernando Perez wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> after Viktor's excellent win32 installer work, we have something 
>> which _almost_ works.  Except I have a really nasty problem.  I have 
>> just posted a message to c.l.py  asking for help, which I repost here 
>> in case anyone can help or has a good solution.
> OK, I got a solution.  It turns out the original os.chdir() 
> instruction was completely unnecessary for the script to actually 
> run.  So I simply removed it, and things work now fine regardless of 
> where they run from.  In case anyone is interested in testing this 
> fixed win32 installer, it is here:
> http://amath.colorado.edu/faculty/fperez/tmp/ipython-0.6.9-1.win32.exe
> Feedback on how this release works for Windows users would be greatly 
> appreciated.

Installation, Usage of IPython & PySH plus De-Installation works for me.

> The old one (with the segfault if run from a different drive) is still 
> at:
> http://amath.colorado.edu/faculty/fperez/tmp/ipython-0.6.9.win32.exe
> I still think this is a nasty bug somewhere in python's binary 
> installer, but since this has cost me yet another Sunday dealing with 
> the endemic brokenness of Windows, I won't pursue it further [1].  The 
> fix I have works for me.  If someone cares to follow up with the 
> upstream win32/distutils crowd, it would probably save others similar 
> headaches in the future.
> Cheers,
> f
> [1] There is a simple reason why I hate the Win32 platform with such a 
> passion: _every_ time I've tried to get ipython to behave under 
> windows in a rational manner, the simplest, most trivial things have 
> always cost me an entire weekend.  And at the end of the day, without 
> fail, I end up just having to build kludgy solutions to sidestep every 
> one of the million ways in which Windows manages to break every 
> computing standard known to man, without mentioning simple common 
> sense.  And yes, I'm bitter :)

I wanted to give this feedback right away to let you know. - However 
I'll still want to
follow up on my side to find out, why I did explicitely change the 

I'll keep you informed about my findings.

Kind regards,

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