[Inpycon] Reg PyCon India 2018

Chirag Choudhary chirag200666 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 15 16:43:06 EDT 2018

HI Vanitha

I have put forward all of your queries in front of the workgroup & added my
responses keeping you in the loop. You mentioned that you had more
concerns, so if you have regarding sponsorship decisions taken please raise
your queries in that thread. If you have more regarding Venue & local
logistics, please ask the workgroup via Ram.

Thanks & Regards

On Mon, Apr 16, 2018 at 1:08 AM Chirag Choudhary <chirag200666 at gmail.com>

> Hi Vanitha
> Thanks for taking time to look at the sponsorship brochure and the
> queries, I would answer the same with inputs from the workgroup & would be
> keeping you in the loop. I still feel the sponsorship is not required to be
> discussed in detail in a public forum.
> Thanks for agreeing that the new team has been able to achieve
> transparency, coming to the decision making each workgroup decision-making
> process is individual moderator's & workgroup's responsibility in my
> opinion and I think the moderators & the workgroup whenever required are
> asking for suggestions on the mailing list. If we feel some of the
> workgroups are not doing it, I think the solution will be to let them know
> about the same, the names have been published for the purpose if the
> problem persists, then it will be escalated to the chair.
> I feel sad to see your remarks towards Mani, he has been instrumental in
> bringing professionalism in HydPy. As Ram mentioned Mani has been a great
> listener & values everybody's opinions and then takes a decision looking at
> all the perspectives. I hope you can still take out some time to volunteer
> / join a workgroup, start working with him to understand his working style.
> @All
> A humble request. I understand that some might still be angry & unhappy
> with changes & events which happened in recent past. But it is required for
> us to keep our differences aside & work towards solving problems that bring
> real value to the community & the conference.
> Regards
> Chirag
> On Mon, Apr 16, 2018 at 12:24 AM Sanchit Balchandani <
> balchandani.sanchit at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Vanitha,
>> Sorry for top posting. I respect your opinions and agree that some of the
>> things(for instance sponsorship) could have been discussed on the mailing
>> list before being finalized but going personal/hard on Mani, questioning
>> his attitude is *NOT* fair here at all.
>> I'd just humbly request to take forward this discussion constructively,
>> otherwise, it just creates the situation of never-ending dissension, which
>> is not good for the community.
>> Hope to see you at PyCon India 2018.
>> Regards,
>> Sanchit
>> On Sun, Apr 15, 2018 at 9:21 PM, Vanitha Shanmugam <vani.pree at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Mani,
>>> On 14 April 2018 at 23:59, E Manivannan <elangovan.manivannan at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Vanitha,
>>>> We have put out the facts and as you might have noticed communication
>>>> has always been done on mailing list - now & previously as well.
>>> Please refer my response to Chirag where I have explained my concern in
>>> detail.
>>>> Team has been working hard on a tight schedule and we expect timely
>>>> response to help us take decisions at the right time. Going forward, there
>>>> could be more challenges & difficult situations and we expect the community
>>>> to support us to overcome and not act hostile.
>>> Timely response comes with starting the discussion on time in mailing
>>> list. I understand there is a tight schedule which is always the case with
>>> PyCon India, and that has to be sorted out with dividing the
>>> responsibilities among people not by avoiding the discussion in mailing
>>> list.
>>> So am acting hostile just because am questioning your style of working?
>>> IMO, you don't seem to be understanding how community works and you are
>>> shutting everybody who questions which you have done it multiple times with
>>> different set of people already. Being a chair of PyCon India 2018, you
>>> might have to reconsider your attitude towards community.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Vanitha
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