[Inpycon] Tutorials

satyaakam goswami satyaakam at gmail.com
Wed Apr 20 04:29:34 CEST 2011

> as a small note, I have been conducting python workshops in engineering
> colleges around the country for the past 6 years. Except for one or two
> places, the men/women percentage of attendance has been 50-50. And
> consistently across the country I have noticed that the girls in the
> workshops grasped concepts faster and did the assignments first. They
> were more articulate and discussed both in the workshops and outside -
> and to dispel another myth, a lot of them were multitasking. But the
> long term effect in terms of joining the community is not happening.

did you probe more to find why ?  women on this list should be  able to
answer some , also may be we can find some answers from
http://www.linuxchix.org/ folks in india too.

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