[Image-SIG] Re: Hard to OCR Font

Thomas A. Fine fine at head.cfa.harvard.edu
Mon Apr 19 14:05:39 EDT 2004

Marilyn Davis wrote:
>Hi Tom,
>(My sympathies about perl.)

pthththt.  :)

>You are so nice to write me.  I love your ttf fonts and your web page.
>It's about the grooviest web site I've ever seen.
>And, in fact, it was your cursive.bdf from your X11fonts page that
>broke one PIL function, and your toast.ttf that broke the other.
>I did load your dnahand.ttf font into PIL on a Windows machine last
>night and it went in without a snag.  This has given me the confidence
>to maybe look at the PIL code so I can get all your cool ttf fonts
>happening on my linux box, and help PIL.

I don't want to take undue credit.  Only the BDF fonts are mine;
I don't have any ttf fonts.  These must come from some other web page.
Perhaps you found a nice site that listed lots of links to other font

This is an excellent site with tons of font-related links:

Perhaps this is the fantastic site you are raving about; it isn't mine.
If this isn't the site you're raving about it, you should check it out,
because it's great.  But it still isn't mine.

>Thank you again for taking the trouble to write.

Random coincidence brought me to your posts on the web.


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