[Image-SIG] trouble using PIL on windows

Reza Habib reza@psych.utoronto.ca
Tue, 29 Feb 2000 12:47:49 -0500

Hi Jeff.  Thanks for the advice.  I am running nt, and no luck.  I also
tried your suggestions, and that doesn't seem to work either.

Does anyone seem to know why there are these problems with the PIL module.
None of the other modules I've used have been this difficult to setup?

Thanks to everyone on this list for your help (keep the suggestions coming).


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeffrey Kunce [mailto:kuncej@mail.conservation.state.mo.us]
Sent: Tuesday, February 29, 2000 12:23 PM
To: reza@psych.utoronto.ca; image-sig@python.org
Subject: RE: [Image-SIG] trouble using PIL on windows

>Hi.  Thanks for the advice.  I put the _imaging.dll in the python root
>directory (i.e. d:\python).  It still won't load.  When I type:

I had these same problems (just on Win98 - NT works fine out of the box)
I tried so many things, that I can't remember what finally fixed it :-(

Try this:

1) unzip the PIL distribution (I have pil-win32-991101.zip) into a scratch
directory. You will get a folder "py152" containing:
  PIL (folder)
  Scripts (folder)

2) move  the Scripts folder, _imaging.dll, and  _tkinter.pyd  into the PIL

3) move the PIL folder and PIL.pth to your python root directory
 (c:\program files\python\ or wherever).

4) search out any other files named _imaging.dll, _imaging.pyd,
 _tkinter.dll, or  _tkinter.pyd  that might possibly be on your python path
or on your system path. Move them somewhere python can't find them.
(I got so frustrated, I moved them to a floppy).

5) see if PIL will run

Good luck!
