[PYTHON IMAGE-SIG] Damned with a DECstation...

Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) T.Ibbs@geog.gla.ac.uk
Tue, 18 Mar 1997 16:19:27 +0000

Fired with enthusiasm by the latest release of Grail, I thought "aha - now is
the time to get round to trying PIL at last..." Unfortunately, I have a
DECstation 5000 with Ultrix v4.4 (and gcc 2.5.8, but I don't think that's the

The header files supplied by DEC do not appear to define any of the terms
needed by the "are we bigendian" check in the configure file for libImaging.
This causes the thing to give up with a (very useful!) complaint about failing
to cross-compile. Unfortunately, the contents of a configure script seem
especially designed to drive me batty trying to understand them, so I haven't
been able to produce a fix. I know this is probably a vain plea, but does 
out there have any useful ideas?

As a separate issue, I have the JPEG and PNG libraries, but I do not keep them
in /usr/local (a daft Unicisim if ever there was one [I can't *believe* my 
spell checker didn't have "daft" in it!]). I tried several simple things to 
see if
I could get the thing to find the relevant libraries, but to no avail - is this
still one of the things unadressed in the  configuration? (I note from the
SIG archives that there were some problems with this in the early days?).

If worst comes to worst, I guess I'll have to wait for the machine that is 
to replace this one (which will probably be a Sparc, so will bring an entirely 
different set of incompatibility problems) - but that may be some while yet...

(And having looked at the archives I now want to know what happened with the
satellite imaging stuff people were talking about - now *that* might be of
interest to several people here...)
Tony J Ibbs (Tibs)	tony@lsl.co.uk, T.Ibbs@geog.gla.ac.uk

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