[group-organizers] Help regarding the meetup agenda

Nicholas H.Tollervey ntoll at ntoll.org
Sat Aug 15 09:01:55 CEST 2015


In London we've found the dojo format to be a *lot* of fun, friendly and
with low organising overhead.



On 14/08/15 17:03, Yasoob Khalid wrote:
> Hi there!
> I am Yasoob. I am from Lahore, Pakistan. I have been involved with Python
> for a couple of years. I also gave a talk at EuroPython last year. I have
> been wanting to start a User Group in my own city for quite some time now.
> In Pakistan the meetup culture is not very ripe. I want to know what should
> be the format of the first meetup so that people feel more welcomed.
> I have got sponsorship from a local company who would be giving us the
> venue and a speaker (most probably a django guy). I have prepared a flyer
> which I am planning on dropping at the local universities once they open
> next month.
> I have also found 2 co-organizers for the meetup which are from the same
> company sponsoring our meetup. They are willing to co-organize future
> meetups as well if this one goes smoothly.
> Kindly let me know if there is anything else which I should do and the
> agenda of the event which would be welcoming for the attendees. Moreover,
> what should I delegate to my co-organizers?
> If there is anything else you would like to know then kindly let me know.
> p.s: I am going to tweak the poster slightly to add more info (venue, date,
> talk titles).
> Kind regards,
> Muhammad Yasoob Ullah Khalid
> Python Tips <http://www.pythontips.com>
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