[Expat-discuss] Expat ported to AmigaOS

James S. Perrin james.perrin@ntlworld.com
Sat Dec 1 10:27:02 2001

    I've finished my port of expat to the AmigaOS as a shared library,
unlike a static compile, which is very straight forward, creating an Amiga
shared libraries requires a number of additional files and all the API
functions defintions modifying which means that there is no nice way
(dozens of #ifdef AMIGA etc) of merging the changes with the current

Does anyone think its worth putting it in the CVS tree ( I know ZERO about
CVS) or would be willing to do it? 

I've uploaded the binaries and modified sources to the Amiga's primary
resource the Aminet http://us.aminet.net

James S. Perrin <james.perrin@ntlworld.com>
Cruising at a speed of 50Mips (A1200T 060/66 Voodoo3)
Why go at faster, you just miss the scenery?
Nah! Screw the scenery I wanna go faster!