[Expat-discuss] new release new paths

Andreas Leitner nozone@sbox.tu-graz.ac.at
Mon, 16 Oct 2000 20:59:37 +0200


I am the maintainer of the exml project. That is for now an Eiffel
wrapper around expat. I have downloaded the new release since I would
like to update my package to fit the new version of expat.

I really appreciate the new autoconf support - great work guys! For the
time beeing I located expat with an environment variable and then
depending on platform and Eiffel compiler had special makefile like
files (in eiffel there are usually ACE files for that job) that use the
$EXPAT variable to locate headers and libraries. With the new system
that does not work anymore, since the header and the library can be in
different locations. Of course I could introduce two variables (one for
the header, one for the lib), but that just adds complexity. I would
prefere to make the installation process for the user as simple as

What options do I have to detect the location of the lib and header (for
Unix and Windows)? Sorry for my maybe stupid question but I do not have
a lot of experience with autoconf/automake.

many thanks in advance,