[Expat-discuss] Re: expat-discuss

Clark Cooper coopercc@netheaven.com
Fri, 6 Oct 2000 17:23:37 -0400


You wrote:
# Is this list active?  I viewed the current subscribers, and there is
# only 7!  Also, can you tell me what *digested* means?  Thanks,

This list is new but not yet very active. Your message is the first one
to the list. This is where dicussion of potential new features
will take place. Right now we're concentrating on getting people to use
1.95 and finding bugs in the build process, so there hasn't been any
converstations yet on new features.

If you elect to receive a *digested* form of the mailing list,
then you'll get the messages batched up on a daily basis instead of having
them directly forwarded to you as if they came from the sender.

Clark Cooper		Software Engineer	Home:   coopercc@netheaven.com
			Schenectady, NY	USA	Work:   cccooper@ltionline.com
Expat-discuss mailing list