[EuroPython] [Guidebook Support] Re: My schedule disappeared

Andreas Jung ep at zopyx.com
Sat Jul 19 08:03:06 CEST 2014

Am 19.07.2014 um 01:49 schrieb Roberto Martínez <robertomartinezp at gmail.com>:

> Hi folks,
> I was using the Guidebook app making my own schedule for the Europython, when suddenly the "My Schedule" option disappeared.
> I thought there was a bug in the Guidebook app, but after a few mails with the support team it seems that one of the admins (Andreas Jung ^ Markus Holtermann) disabled this option.

Will be back later…unfortunately the Guidebook import procedures are not every organizer friendly
with incremental updates or complete re-imports regarding „My schedule“.  You learn the pitfalls of tools while
you use them.


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