[EuroPython] EPC 2004 Website

Michael Hudson mwh at python.net
Mon Apr 12 16:18:30 EDT 2004

"Nicolas Chauvat" <Nicolas.Chauvat at logilab.fr> writes:

>> There's probably a way of giving you exactly the perimssions you need
>> to be a track chair, but I can't be bothered to work things out that
>> accurately.  You're now a site manager.  Please don't break anything
>> :-)
> Local Roles looking for you are, young jedi...
> Grant manager priviledges on his track folder to every track chairman.

Well, yeah I could do that, but I find for open source projects
granting people you trust more priviledges than they ask for can have
beneficial effects (I got checkin priviledges to Python to maintain a
PEP that I was writing and ended up being release manager for Python
2.2.1 six months later :-)

I thenk there may even be a TrackChair role on the europython.org
site... yep, and Speaker.  So many ideas, so little time...

(I was being a *little* facetious with the 'couldn't be bothered'


  I sense much distrust in you.  Distrust leads to cynicism, cynicism
  leads to bitterness, bitterness leads to the Awareness Of True
  Reality which is referred to by those-who-lack-enlightenment as
  "paranoia".  I approve.    -- David P. Murphy, alt.sysadmin.recovery

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