[EuroPython] FYI: Chat recap re: the CFP

M.-A. Lemburg mal@lemburg.com
Thu, 06 Mar 2003 17:16:58 +0100

Paul Everitt wrote:
> We met on IRC this morning at 10h00 gmt+1 and discussed the call for
> papers.  In attendence: Anna, Tom, Paul.
> Here are some of the conclusions we reached:
>   o Two flavors of talks, 30 min and 45 min

I'd suggest to only have one slot size: 45 min. Makes organization
a lot easier (e.g. you can assign two slots to a talk if needed)
and also is better for the attendees since the slots are welldefined
across all tracks.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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EuroPython 2003, Charleroi, Belgium:                       110 days left