[EuroPython] Voting proposals

Laura Creighton lac at strakt.com
Mon Aug 18 17:31:01 EDT 2003




Hi there it is me.  I wanted to have EP2004 at Gbg.  I was willing
to not have it here when Denis decided otherwise.  I have been ill and
in bed sick for about a month.  Many things have happened and I need
to get on top of them.

I need to start some house cleaning here.

Magnus is perfectly correct in his singing of the praises of
Gothenburg.  I could live any place in the entire world.  I live here
because I love it and it suits me.  I think it might suit a lot of
you and I would dearly love to show you it.  That is me for town

>On the other hand, the people in Göteborg bring in experiences from
>other, similar arrangements, and they might have solutions to some of
>these problems. It also seems to me that Jacob and Laura will to some
>extent put their own reputations, as well as the reputation of their
>company at stake by taking on such an event, so I'm sure they will be
>very motivated, and will do what they can to make EPC 2004 a great
>event, if they are given the chance.

This is a problem.  Magnus does not work for AB Strakt.  (Nor do I,
I am just on its board of Directors).  He may not extend our reputation
out to be lent.

Right now I am really, really, really upset.

I want Tom Deprez to know that he is one of my tried and true personal
heroes for actually getting the event to happen. Twice.  And I want
all of you to know that.  Twice. He had way to much work on his
shoulders.  And he did a great job.

I think that we in  Göteborg  can also do a good job.
But if we do, if in any way it is under my influence, it will
be because we are a different place than Charleroi, and we
can do things out of our location which Charleroi could not match.

I want people to bring their families to EuroPython.  Charleroi
had nothing to offer -- it was a singles event.

I want people from Poland and Russia to attend.
My friends there say that the hotel room fees makes it impossible to
go to Charleroi.  They may not come now, but they won't have this as
an excuse.

But the biggest source of my dissatisfaction in organising both EP02 AND 03
is that it was seen as a company thing.  something that denis and his
company (QUICK -- who can remember its name)  did for us.

I am extremely sick of this model.

I want EP 2004 be something we do for ourselves.
Wherever we hold it.

All of us, as inclusive as I can make it. 

This  is not  a place for AB Strakt to hold a celebration of itself.
We are already Gold sponsors of that sort of event, here, go read
http://www.itos.se/ for what Strakt does as a gold (top) sponsor

now. how many times do i have to say it.

This is a community conference which the community of Göteborg. i.e
lots of people not in Strakt -- want to hold here -- because we want to
do this.  

Now please go away and vote us up or down.


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