[Email-SIG] Kick starting email 6.0 development

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Fri Jan 22 17:45:59 CET 2010

On Jan 22, 2010, at 11:36 AM, R. David Murray wrote:

>I will take a look at that, since I'm actively working on Header
>right now.  As for doctests...I agree that they are good for helping to
>document the API, but IMO we are going to need more than that to get a
>really good set of validation tests.  I have some thoughts about that
>that I'm experimenting with and will report back when I'm satisfied that
>my idea is at least workable.  (Whether it's a *good* idea remains to
>be seen :)

I definitely agree we can't use doctests exclusively.  Nobody in their right
mind would ever want to read those things!  A good mix of (separate file)
doctest and unittests would probably work, but I'm eager to hear how your
experiment turns out. :)

>My goal in using the DVCS is to make it easy for anyone to submit patches
>for review, which I believe launchpad facilitates.  ("Propose for merge",

Yep.  It's a great way to go.  I also suggest that as things stabilize we move
to a model where branches proposed for merging are always linked to a bug.
But that might not always be feasible while there's lots of churn.

>I don't want the branch locked too tightly, I'd rather facilitate active
>contribution.  So possibly making an email6 team is better, but since I don't
>know what the consequences of adding someone to ~python-dev are, I don't know
>what would make it a bad thing for someone to be added to it :).

I'm thinking it does make sense to make an email6 team and keep this branch in
a separate package.  I've just created the team:


and made you a co-admin.  I think it's up to you to make the team the owner of
the python-email project.

>Well if you are we could try to hijack the whole core sprint to work on
>email :)

That's like the logical extension of Zawinksi's law. :)

>Seriously, though, if I can be of assistance, let me know.

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