[Edu-sig] Learn to Program in Ten Years

Arthur ajsiegel at optonline.net
Sun Dec 26 22:35:30 CET 2004

> I just took a look at the PyGTK 2.0 Tutorial 
> http://www.pygtk.org/pygtk2tutorial/index.html
> Very encouraging to see that much documentation spelled out in a usable
> format.
> However, I'm still curious:  do you see PyGTK as a better way to spend your
> time than with wxPython? Wx has OpenGL bindings as well, has for quite some
> time.  Also, wxPython has that very useful front end:  when you download it,
> you get a huge pile of working code in the form of demos, all wrapped up in
> a well-organized wx GUI interface.  I find dat extremely cool.

Well I guess I thinking that the investment in learning GTK/Gnome has
more potential far-reaching benefit. wxPython - and I am not being
denigrating in the slightest - is more the big fish in the littlish
Python pond. 

I did choose to take wxPython-dev list off my "reply all" since I'm not
looking to raise hackles, or even defend my choices.

The PyGTK thing just happens to be where things are leading me
personally.  Its partly because VPython on Linux uses GTK and I would
like to know it better for that reason.  And its partly because ubuntu
has helped re-ignite a long dormant interest in Linux as a desktop
working environment, and I see GTK/Gnome as the Big Pond in that

And you in particular will be happy to know that GTK2 *does* have a
skins feature ;)


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