[Edu-sig] Lisp vs Scheme vs Python

Kirby Urner pdx4d@teleport.com
Sat, 26 May 2001 09:11:17 -0700

> Still, in the end if they are confronted with an unusual data class, 
> they fail to come up with code. I tested dozens and hundreds of 
> students on that. They all had introductions in Pascal or C (min 1 
> year) and couldn't write a function that traversed a non-standard 
> data class if their life depended on it. 
> -- Matthias

Are you saying these students usually don't hit on recursive 
solutions?   If so, I don't wonder.  Recursion is usually perceived 
as rather exotic and someone who always thinks in terms of for and 
while loops may well not come up with the recursive solution when 
called upon.  

This situation might be addressed by using recursion more often 
in Pascal or C (or Python).  For example, some of these algorithms
Chris just shared make good use of this strategy (the Tower of
Hanoi is a classic way of introducing this construct).

Probably more than prefix notation, the use of recursion in place 
of loops, even for the simplest algorithms, presents the biggest
adjustment in thinking for the would-be Scheme learner -- especially 
if coming from another language tradition that doesn't emphasize 
it so much (even if the language supports it).

You say Scheme permits a loop concept by means of macros.  To 
someone who learned Python as a first language, this won't mean 
much to them, since Python has no macros -- the very concept will 
be undefined.

I agree that some data structures are most adequately dealt with 
using recursion (Chris's circuits seem a good example).  On the 
other hand, I don't see sequential iteration as foreign to 
everyday experience either -- it's like a conveyor belt, where 
you stand on the side and do the same thing to each object that 
goes by, perhaps accumulating some totals.

Or take the sigma notation in mathematics: successive substitution
of an incrementing index, with summation of all the resulting 
terms.  Such sigmas are the raw material of many an algorithm, 
but I have trouble thinking of these as "more naturally" recursive
than simply iterative.  Perhaps I need my thinking cap adjusted.


PS:  thanks for more background on Lisp vs. Scheme.  Going back 
to some emails from a Lisper trying to educate me on the basics,
I find (> = me, = teacher):

   > I think I'm talking about more than just prefix notation, 
   > although that's part of it.  Heavy use of recursion would 
   > be another part.

   But that's a Scheme thing, not a Lisp thing.  Lisp has a 
   large number of iteration constructs, and the use of recursion 
   to do iteration, as in Scheme, is rather frowned upon.

   In fact, since Lisp doesn't guarantee to do tail-recursion
   elimination, writing Scheme in Lisp can easily lead to stack
   overflows.  [Most Lisp implementations *do* do tail call 
   elimination, but only at non-default optimization settings, 
   where debuggability isn't considered important...disappearing 
   stack frames makes debugging a pain]

This guy didn't like Scheme though: 

   Scheme?  Oh, yeah, that nasty little Algol dialect that 
   tries to look like Lisp.  I abhor Scheme.

Here's what I thinks of Python (vs. LISP):

   For me, Python's functionality is a proper subset of Lisp's[1], 
   and Lisp is faster (both in execution time and in coding time) 
   and easier to use, so I don't have much use for Python; but 
   its design is simple enough to understand what's going on 
   without much actual experience (though I completely failed to 
   understand the document about metaclasses (which I thought 
   was in the Python src directory, but I can't find it now) 
   when I read it, despite having _used_ metaclasses in Lisp...)

   I doubt that it's possible to know Lisp very well without coming 
   to understand the huge advantage of S-expression syntax (which, 
   by the way, you don't have with Scheme -- Scheme source is just 
   text) and a programmable reader; and having had that, I'd think 
   it'd be hard to be happy with anything less.

I downloaded a LISP awhile back and played with it some, studied
the CLOS object system.  And of course I have DrScheme and very 
much admire its easy interface and learner orientation (e.g. 
different language levels).