Andrew Dalke's space example (was Re: [Csv] csv)

John Machin sjmachin at
Mon Feb 17 00:47:25 CET 2003

On Mon, 17 Feb 2003 10:17:23 +1100, Andrew McNamara <andrewm at object-> wrote:

>> PyArg_PTAK gives a more meaningful message if the required type is a 
>> single char, for example "argument 2 must be char, not int". However 
>> where the required type is int, you get "an integer is required" ... 
>> looks like a patch wouldn't go astray.
> PyArg_PTAK was originally used, but really isn't well suited to what 
> we're
> trying to do,

Hmmm ... nobody seems to want to discuss my point that what you're trying 
to do (the whole dialect thing) is a bit over the top.

> and ends up raising obscure errors of it's own (or, more to
> the point, goes subtly wrong without warning the user).

Can you give an example of "goes subtly wrong without warning"? Have you 
reported these problems?
I recall noticing a while back that it would silently truncate a supplied 
float to fit a desired int w/o any complaint [rationale is evidently : 
"floats have an int() method, don't they?"] -- is that the sort of thing 
you mean?


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