[Cryptography-dev] Operating System Support

Alex Gaynor alex.gaynor at gmail.com
Sun Sep 8 17:36:38 CEST 2013

I think what Christain said is a reasonable goal, in practice I think until
we have a thing people actually want to use, the "stuff that works" is
going to be stuff we have an active developer using or which we have a
buildbot for.


On Sun, Sep 8, 2013 at 8:35 AM, Christian Heimes <christian at python.org>wrote:

> Am 08.09.2013 17:21, schrieb Donald Stufft:
> > So I don't think we ever clarified this but what Operating Systems
> > are we planning on supporting?
> >
> > For me I think *nix and Windows should be supported.
> >
> > The other question is are we ok with some things only working on a
> > particular OS? If say we implement bcrypt and the library for that
> > doesn't work on Windows (And assuming we support Windows) is that
> > Ok?
> The definition is too broad. *nix is about anything that is not
> Windows. We should also mention supported CPU architectures.
> Realistic we could support:
> Windows
>   Vista, Win 7, Win 8 on X86 and X86_64
> Linux
>   recent distributions on X86, X86_64 and ARM with GCC or clang.
> FreeBSD
>   X86 and X86_64
> Mac OS X
>   X86_64
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