[C++-sig] Extensive memory errors upon C++ destruction and data transfer from numpy

Jim Bosch talljimbo at gmail.com
Sun May 13 00:41:50 CEST 2012

Well, I'm afraid you're jumping into a number of thorny bushes at once 
here, trying to make C++ code talk to NumPy through Boost.Python while 
learning C++.  So I'll start with a few principles:

1) Never call a destructor yourself, in C++ or in Python.  That should 
always happen automatically when an object goes out of scope unless 
you're doing really advanced things (and you'll know when that is when 
you learn about those advanced things).  Doing this is probably the 
source of essentially all your problems.  However, "del obj" isn't 
really a direct call to a destructor in Python; it just removes one 
reference to a variable, which might call the destructor if that's the 
last reference Python knows about - so you can do that if you like, but 
it's usually unnecessary because the same thing happens automatically 
when a variable goes out of scope or is reassigned.

2) shared_ptr is great, but I'm worried you might be using it more than 
you need to, especially enable_shared_from_this.  Sometimes 
enable_shared_from_this is necessary, but often it's a sign you could 
have designed something better.  Because Python does its own reference 
counting, you'll have an easier time figuring out what's going on with 
your memory if you only have one kind of reference counter floating 
around your code.

3) You seem to be using pointers as arguments for C++ functions more 
often that I'd consider necessary.  And pointer arguments to numeric 
types will not work well with Python, because numbers are immutable in 
Python.  For instance, all those ints in register_new_gene should 
probably be passed by value if you want them to work sensibly with Python.

4) numeric_array is a little old and limited, but those limitations may 
have saved you from creating even bigger memory headaches for you, 
because as far as I can tell there's no way to create NumPy arrays to 
C++ memory from it, or extract C++ arrays from a numeric::array object. 
  That means you have to copy everything, which is inefficient, but it 
also means you don't have to worry about aliasing and ownership of array 
memory, which I think probably the right choice for right now.

Finally, I'd really recommend making this work in plain C++, even in a 
limited fashion, before throwing it into Python.  The Python/C++ barrier 
is tricky even with the best tools, and as a C++ beginner you'll have a 
much easier time tracking down memory issues using plain C++ and a 
debugger and/or a tool like valgrind.

I haven't looked closely at your code yet, but I'm hoping the above will 
give you enough to work on that it will be substantially different 
before I need to anyhow :)



On 05/12/2012 04:10 PM, Christopher Cowing-Zitron wrote:
> Hello,
> I am writing a computational package integrating Python and C++ using
> Boost.Python. The interface and the initial data collection are in
> Python, but the workhorse data structures and computation are in C++. I
> am having difficulties with memory errors at two points: at the transfer
> of data between numpy and C++, and upon the destruction of wrapped C++
> objects. I suspect the issues are related, and are not the result of
> limitations of Python, C++, or Boost.Python, but rather are the result
> of my lack of familiarity with C++. I apologize for the long email, but
> my lack of experience with C++ makes it hard to describe my problems
> succinctly, especially because I have no idea where the problems are
> occurring, nor do I know the right vocabulary. I've pasted below the C++
> source for the relevant class, as well as the Boost.Python module
> wrapper code. This is all for academic research, and under the legal
> conditions of my grants it is necessarily open-source, but because I
> intend to publish this package in a research journal, I'd appreciate it
> if you didn't share the code beyond this mailing list; I'll create pypi
> and sourceforge entries for the source once it's ready for release. Most
> importantly, feel free to talk trash about and point out any errors in
> my code: I just started with C++ three weeks ago, and criticism is very
> helpful and much appreciated! :-)
> My package is for the analysis of large biological data sets, and a new
> C++ object must be created for each gene analyzed, which for the human
> genome amounts to about 30,000 times for the analysis of a single data
> set. A single gene object stores many variables, some of which are
> scalar and could be built into the class as static variables, but most
> variables are array data which greatly vary in size (and possibly
> dimension) depending upon the biological structure of the individual
> gene as well as the nature of the experiment being analyze, which cannot
> be known in advance. As such, all the array variables are dynamically
> allocated. I have used Boost.Python shared pointers and shared arrays
> for all dynamically allocated variables. In an attempt at uniformity, in
> this version of the code, all gene class variables are dynamically
> allocated.
> I have separated the creation of a gene object and the filling of
> variable values into two steps. All access of C++ variables is done
> through wrapped get/set methods, and all data is transferred via numpy
> arrays. I have no problems upon object creation, but I get memory errors
> both when filling the variables from numpy arrays, and transferring
> calculated variable values back into numpy arrays. The issue seems to be
> that I cannot force a copy of variable values between numpy arrays and
> C++, but rather Boost.Python seems intent upon using references (in fact
> the documentation for the extract<> template explicitly states that, and
> I can't find any other way to get variables out of numpy arrays and into
> C++). This matters because the C++ gene object will modify some of its
> own variable values that were initially taken from Python, and the user
> will similarly modify within Python variables used to fill the gene
> object, and I need to make sure changes in one do not get automatically
> reflected in the other. In both cases I get bus errors / segmentation
> faults.
> The second problem relates to object deletion. Once a single gene has
> been analyzed, neither the C++ object nor the corresponding Python
> object are needed; the important numerical results are simply stored in
> a numpy array. Because of the huge number of genes, I have one of two
> options when it comes to memory management, in order to avoid the
> build-up of excess memory consumption by genes for which the analysis
> has been completed: I can either explicitly destroy the C++ object, by
> brute force or by reassigning a new object to its variable in Python, or
> I can reinitialize its variables to store a new gene (I am inclined to
> the second). But whenever I try to destroy a wrapped C++ object, using
> either method, I get a segmentation fault. I've written a C++ destructor
> for my gene class; I tried to wrap it for Python, but the Boost.Python
> documentation doesn't mention how to register destructors to Python, so
> I just wrapped it like any other bound method. (Note: that wrapper is
> not present in the version I've posted below, because I assumed I got it
> wrong anyway). I still get the faults using that method, as called by my
> assigned name. Should I be using the Python object's .__del__ method or
> the global Python del(), and if so, how do I specialize them to my gene
> object's destructor? Even if I go with the option of just reinitializing
> the C++ gene object variables, rather than explicit deletion, I still
> get a segmentation fault when I leave the Python interpreter, presumably
> because it's trying to destroy the wrapped C++ gene objects created in
> that session.
> Any and all help and advice is very much appreciated, and I thank you in
> advance for your help. If any of you provide particular help, I will be
> happy to include you in the acknowledgements should I get this darn
> thing published; I'd offer co-authorship, but my boss would never allow
> it. Have a good weekend.
> -- Chris Cowing-Zitron
> fp_boosters.hpp, the source file defining the Boost.Python module:
> #include <fp_genes.hpp>
> BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE(fp_boosters)
> {
> def("loggamma", &fingerpuppet::evaluations::loggamma_py,
> return_value_policy<return_by_value>());
> def("digamma", &fingerpuppet::evaluations::digamma_py,
> return_value_policy<return_by_value>());
> def("trigamma", &fingerpuppet::evaluations::trigamma_py,
> return_value_policy<return_by_value>());
> def("ll_single", &fingerpuppet::evaluations::ll_single_py);
> def("ll_grad_single", &fingerpuppet::evaluations::ll_grad_single_py);
> def("ll_hess_single", &fingerpuppet::evaluations::ll_hess_single_py);
> def("ll_full", &fingerpuppet::evaluations::ll_full_py);
> def("ll_grad_full", &fingerpuppet::evaluations::ll_grad_full_py);
> def("ll_hess_full", &fingerpuppet::evaluations::ll_hess_full_py);
> class_<fingerpuppet::genes::gene, boost::noncopyable>("gene")
> .def("register_gene", &fingerpuppet::genes::gene::register_new_gene_py)
> .def("reset_gene", &fingerpuppet::genes::gene::reset_gene)
> .def("empty_gene", &fingerpuppet::genes::gene::empty_gene)
> .def("eval_ll", &fingerpuppet::genes::gene::eval_ll_py)
> .def("eval_cons", &fingerpuppet::genes::gene::eval_cons_py)
> .def("eval_ll_grad", &fingerpuppet::genes::gene::eval_ll_grad_py)
> .def("eval_cons_jac", &fingerpuppet::genes::gene::eval_cons_jac_py)
> .def("eval_ll_hess", &fingerpuppet::genes::gene::eval_ll_hess_py)
> .def("eval_cons_hess", &fingerpuppet::genes::gene::eval_cons_hess_py)
> .def("eval_lagrangian", &fingerpuppet::genes::gene::eval_lagrangian_py)
> .def("update_var", &fingerpuppet::genes::gene::update_var_py)
> .def("return_var", &fingerpuppet::genes::gene::return_var_py)
> ;
> numeric::array::set_module_and_type("numpy", "ndarray");
> };
> fp_genes.hpp, the header defining the gene object class:
> #include <fp_evaluations.hpp>
> namespace fingerpuppet {
> namespace genes {
> class gene;
> class gene : public boost::enable_shared_from_this<gene>, public
> boost::noncopyable
> {
> public:
> /* Constructors, destructor, and construction utilities */
> gene()
> {
> gene_count = 0;
> reset_gene();
> }
> ~gene()
> {
> empty_gene();
> }
> boost::shared_ptr<gene> return_this()
> {
> return shared_from_this();
> }
> bool register_new_gene(int *ns, int *statecolsin, int *sampcolsin, int
> *exonrowsin, int *segrowsin, double *readsin)
> {
> reset_gene();
> gene_count += 1;
> nstate.reset(new int);
> nsamp.reset(new int);
> nexon.reset(new int);
> nseg.reset(new int);
> nwin.reset(new int);
> nvar.reset(new int);
> ncon.reset(new int);
> nsingle.reset(new int);
> hsingle.reset(new int);
> jac_entries.reset(new int);
> hess_entries.reset(new int);
> current_ll.reset(new double);
> current_obj_factor.reset(new double);
> *nstate = ns[0];
> *nsamp = ns[1];
> *nexon = ns[2];
> *nseg = ns[3];
> *nwin = ns[4];
> *nvar = ns[5];
> *ncon = *nsamp * *nexon;
> *nsingle = 9;
> *hsingle = 21;
> *jac_entries = 2 * *ncon;
> *hess_entries = 0;
> *current_ll = 0.0;
> *current_obj_factor = 1.0;
> statecols.reset(new int [*nsamp]);
> sampcols.reset(new int [*nsamp]);
> exonrows.reset(new int [*nwin]);
> segrows.reset(new int [*nwin]);
> sampsperstate.reset(new int [*nstate]);
> segsperexon.reset(new int [*nseg]);
> single_hess_rows.reset(new int [*hsingle]);
> single_hess_cols.reset(new int [*hsingle]);
> jac_rows.reset(new int [*jac_entries]);
> jac_cols.reset(new int [*jac_entries]);
> eval_counts.reset(new int [7]);
> reads.reset(new double [*nsamp * *nwin]);
> readmaxes.reset(new double [*nsamp * *nexon]);
> start_X.reset(new double [*nvar]);
> x_L.reset(new double [*nvar]);
> x_U.reset(new double [*nvar]);
> g_L.reset(new double [*ncon]);
> g_U.reset(new double [*ncon]);
> current_X.reset(new double [*nvar]);
> current_cons.reset(new double [*ncon]);
> current_ll_grad.reset(new double [*nvar]);
> current_cons_jac.reset(new double [*jac_entries]);
> current_cons_hess.reset(new double [*ncon]);
> current_lambda.reset(new double [*ncon]);
> for (int entry = 0; entry < *ncon; ++entry) {
> readmaxes[entry] = 0.0;
> }
> for (int samp = 0; samp < *nsamp; ++samp) {
> for (int win = 0; win < *nwin; ++win) {
> if (reads[(samp * *nwin) + win] > readmaxes[(samp * *nexon) +
> exonrows[win]]) {
> readmaxes[(samp * *nexon) + exonrows[win]] = reads[(samp * *nwin) + win];
> }
> }
> }
> for (int entry = 0; entry < *nstate; ++entry) {
> sampsperstate[entry] = 0;
> }
> for (int entry = 0; entry < *nsamp; ++entry) {
> sampsperstate[statecols[entry]] += 1;
> }
> for (int entry = 0; entry < *nexon; ++entry) {
> segsperexon[entry] = 0;
> }
> segsperexon[0] = 1;
> for (int entry = 1; entry < *nwin; ++entry) {
> if (segrows[entry] != segrows[entry - 1]) {
> segsperexon[exonrows[entry]] += 1;
> }
> }
> init_jac_struct();
> init_hess_struct();
> init_bounds();
> init_start_X();
> }
> bool register_new_gene_py(numeric::array const &ns_py, numeric::array
> const &statecolsin_py, numeric::array const &sampcolsin_py,
> numeric::array const &exonrowsin_py, numeric::array const &segrowsin_py,
> numeric::array const &readsin_py)
> {
> reset_gene();
> gene_count += 1;
> nstate.reset(new int);
> nsamp.reset(new int);
> nexon.reset(new int);
> nseg.reset(new int);
> nwin.reset(new int);
> nvar.reset(new int);
> ncon.reset(new int);
> nsingle.reset(new int);
> hsingle.reset(new int);
> jac_entries.reset(new int);
> hess_entries.reset(new int);
> current_ll.reset(new double);
> current_obj_factor.reset(new double);
> *nstate = int(ns_py[0]);
> *nsamp = int(ns_py[1]);
> *nexon = int(ns_py[2]);
> *nseg = int(ns_py[3]);
> *nwin = int(ns_py[4]);
> *nvar = int(ns_py[5]);
> *ncon = *nsamp * *nexon;
> *nsingle = 9;
> *hsingle = 21;
> *jac_entries = 2 * *ncon;
> *hess_entries = 0;
> *current_ll = 0.0;
> *current_obj_factor = 1.0;
> statecols.reset(new int [*nsamp]);
> sampcols.reset(new int [*nsamp]);
> exonrows.reset(new int [*nwin]);
> segrows.reset(new int [*nwin]);
> sampsperstate.reset(new int [*nstate]);
> segsperexon.reset(new int [*nseg]);
> single_hess_rows.reset(new int [*hsingle]);
> single_hess_cols.reset(new int [*hsingle]);
> jac_rows.reset(new int [*jac_entries]);
> jac_cols.reset(new int [*jac_entries]);
> eval_counts.reset(new int [7]);
> reads.reset(new double [*nsamp * *nwin]);
> readmaxes.reset(new double [*nsamp * *nexon]);
> start_X.reset(new double [*nvar]);
> x_L.reset(new double [*nvar]);
> x_U.reset(new double [*nvar]);
> g_L.reset(new double [*ncon]);
> g_U.reset(new double [*ncon]);
> current_X.reset(new double [*nvar]);
> current_cons.reset(new double [*ncon]);
> current_ll_grad.reset(new double [*nvar]);
> current_cons_jac.reset(new double [*jac_entries]);
> current_cons_hess.reset(new double [*ncon]);
> current_lambda.reset(new double [*ncon]);
> for (int entry = 0; entry < *nsamp; ++entry) {
> statecols[entry] = extract<int>(statecolsin_py[entry]());
> }
> for (int entry = 0; entry < *nsamp; ++entry) {
> sampcols[entry] = extract<int>(sampcolsin_py[entry]());
> }
> for (int entry = 0; entry < *nwin; ++entry) {
> exonrows[entry] = extract<int>(exonrowsin_py[entry]());
> }
> for (int entry = 0; entry < *nwin; ++entry) {
> segrows[entry] = extract<int>(segrowsin_py[entry]());
> }
> for (int entry = 0; entry < *nsamp * *nwin; ++entry) {
> reads[entry] = extract<double>(readsin_py[entry]());
> }
> for (int entry = 0; entry < *ncon; ++entry) {
> readmaxes[entry] = 0.0;
> }
> for (int samp = 0; samp < *nsamp; ++samp) {
> for (int win = 0; win < *nwin; ++win) {
> if (reads[(samp * *nwin) + win] > readmaxes[(samp * *nexon) +
> exonrows[win]]) {
> readmaxes[(samp * *nexon) + exonrows[win]] = reads[(samp * *nwin) + win];
> }
> }
> }
> for (int entry = 0; entry < *nstate; ++entry) {
> sampsperstate[entry] = 0;
> }
> for (int entry = 0; entry < *nsamp; ++entry) {
> sampsperstate[statecols[entry]] += 1;
> }
> for (int entry = 0; entry < *nexon; ++entry) {
> segsperexon[entry] = 0;
> }
> segsperexon[0] = 1;
> for (int entry = 1; entry < *nwin; ++entry) {
> if (segrows[entry] != segrows[entry - 1]) {
> segsperexon[exonrows[entry]] += 1;
> }
> }
> init_jac_struct();
> init_hess_struct();
> init_bounds();
> init_start_X();
> }
> bool reset_gene()
> {
> nstate.reset(new int);
> nsamp.reset(new int);
> nexon.reset(new int);
> nseg.reset(new int);
> nwin.reset(new int);
> nvar.reset(new int);
> ncon.reset(new int);
> nsingle.reset(new int);
> hsingle.reset(new int);
> jac_entries.reset(new int);
> hess_entries.reset(new int);
> current_ll.reset(new double);
> current_obj_factor.reset(new double);
> statecols.reset(new int [1]);
> sampcols.reset(new int [1]);
> exonrows.reset(new int [1]);
> segrows.reset(new int [1]);
> sampsperstate.reset(new int [1]);
> segsperexon.reset(new int [1]);
> single_hess_rows.reset(new int [1]);
> single_hess_cols.reset(new int [1]);
> jac_rows.reset(new int [1]);
> jac_cols.reset(new int [1]);
> full_hess_rows.reset(new int [1]);
> full_hess_cols.reset(new int [1]);
> eval_counts.reset(new int [1]);
> reads.reset(new double [1]);
> readmaxes.reset(new double [1]);
> start_X.reset(new double [1]);
> x_L.reset(new double [1]);
> x_U.reset(new double [1]);
> g_L.reset(new double [1]);
> g_U.reset(new double [1]);
> current_X.reset(new double [1]);
> current_cons.reset(new double [1]);
> current_ll_grad.reset(new double [1]);
> current_cons_jac.reset(new double [1]);
> current_ll_hess.reset(new double [1]);
> current_cons_hess.reset(new double [1]);
> current_lambda.reset(new double [1]);
> current_lagrangian.reset(new double [1]);
> return true;
> }
> bool empty_gene()
> {
> nstate.reset();
> nsamp.reset();
> nexon.reset();
> nseg.reset();
> nwin.reset();
> nvar.reset();
> ncon.reset();
> nsingle.reset();
> hsingle.reset();
> jac_entries.reset();
> hess_entries.reset();
> current_ll.reset();
> current_obj_factor.reset();
> statecols.reset();
> sampcols.reset();
> exonrows.reset();
> segrows.reset();
> sampsperstate.reset();
> segsperexon.reset();
> single_hess_rows.reset();
> single_hess_cols.reset();
> jac_rows.reset();
> jac_cols.reset();
> full_hess_rows.reset();
> full_hess_cols.reset();
> eval_counts.reset();
> reads.reset();
> readmaxes.reset();
> start_X.reset();
> x_L.reset();
> x_U.reset();
> g_L.reset();
> g_U.reset();
> current_X.reset();
> current_cons.reset();
> current_ll_grad.reset();
> current_cons_jac.reset();
> current_ll_hess.reset();
> current_cons_hess.reset();
> current_lambda.reset();
> current_lagrangian.reset();
> return true;
> }
> bool init_jac_struct()
> {
> for (int samp = 0; samp < *nsamp; ++samp) {
> for (int exon = 0; exon < *nexon; ++exon) {
> jac_rows[2 * ((samp * *nexon) + exon)] = (6 * *nstate) + samp;
> jac_cols[2 * ((samp * *nexon) + exon)] = (samp * *nexon) + exon;
> jac_rows[(2 * ((samp * *nexon) + exon)) + 1] = (6 * *nstate) + *nsamp +
> (samp * *nexon) + exon;
> jac_cols[(2 * ((samp * *nexon) + exon)) + 1] = (samp * *nexon) + exon;
> }
> }
> return true;
> }
> bool init_hess_struct()
> {
> int shr[21] = {3,4,2,4,2,5,6,1,6,1,7,8,0,8,0,0,1,2,1,2,2};
> int shc[21] = {3,3,3,4,4,5,5,5,6,6,7,7,7,8,8,0,0,0,1,1,2};
> for (int entry = 0; entry < 21; ++entry) {
> single_hess_rows[entry] = shr[entry];
> single_hess_cols[entry] = shc[entry];
> }
> for (int state = 0; state < *nstate; ++state) {
> *hess_entries += 3 + (2 * *nseg * sampsperstate[state]);
> }
> for (int state = 0; state < *nstate; ++state) {
> *hess_entries += 3 + (2 * *nexon * sampsperstate[state]);
> }
> for (int state = 0; state < *nstate; ++state) {
> *hess_entries += 3 + (2 * sampsperstate[state]);
> }
> for (int samp = 0; samp < *nsamp; ++samp) {
> *hess_entries += 1 + *nexon + *nseg;
> }
> for (int exon = 0; exon < *nexon; ++exon) {
> *hess_entries += *nsamp * (1 + segsperexon[exon]);
> }
> *hess_entries += *nsamp * *nseg;
> full_hess_rows.reset(new int [*hess_entries]);
> full_hess_cols.reset(new int [*hess_entries]);
> current_ll_hess.reset(new double [*hess_entries]);
> current_lagrangian.reset(new double [*hess_entries]);
> int entry = 0;
> for (int state = 0; state < *nstate; ++state) {
> for (int var = 0; var < 2 + (*nseg * sampsperstate[state]); ++var) {
> full_hess_cols[entry + var] = state;
> }
> full_hess_rows[entry] = state;
> full_hess_rows[entry + 1] = *nstate + state;
> entry += 2;
> for (int samp = 0; samp < *nsamp; ++samp) {
> for (int seg = 0; seg < *nseg; ++seg) {
> if (statecols[samp] == state) {
> full_hess_rows[entry] = (6 * *nstate) + (*nsamp * (*nexon + 1)) + (samp
> * *nseg) + seg;
> entry += 1;
> }
> }
> }
> }
> for (int state = 0; state < *nstate; ++state) {
> for (int var = 0; var < 1 + (*nseg * sampsperstate[state]); ++var) {
> full_hess_cols[entry + var] = *nstate + state;
> }
> full_hess_rows[entry] = *nstate + state;
> entry += 1;
> for (int samp = 0; samp < *nsamp; ++samp) {
> for (int seg = 0; seg < *nseg; ++seg) {
> if (statecols[samp] == state) {
> full_hess_rows[entry] = (6 * *nstate) + (*nsamp * (*nexon + 1)) + (samp
> * *nseg) + seg;
> entry += 1;
> }
> }
> }
> }
> for (int state = 0; state < *nstate; ++state) {
> for (int var = 0; var < 2 + (*nexon * sampsperstate[state]); ++var) {
> full_hess_cols[entry + var] = (2 * *nstate) + state;
> }
> full_hess_rows[entry] = (2 * *nstate) + state;
> full_hess_rows[entry + 1] = (3 * *nstate) + state;
> entry += 2;
> for (int samp = 0; samp < *nsamp; ++samp) {
> for (int exon = 0; exon < *nexon; ++exon) {
> if (statecols[samp] == state) {
> full_hess_rows[entry] = (6 * *nstate) + *nsamp + (samp * *nexon) + exon;
> entry += 1;
> }
> }
> }
> }
> for (int state = 0; state < *nstate; ++state) {
> for (int var = 0; var < 1 + (*nexon * sampsperstate[state]); ++var) {
> full_hess_cols[entry + var] = (3 * *nstate) + state;
> }
> full_hess_rows[entry] = (3 * *nstate) + state;
> entry += 1;
> for (int samp = 0; samp < *nsamp; ++samp) {
> for (int exon = 0; exon < *nexon; ++exon) {
> if (statecols[samp] == state) {
> full_hess_rows[entry] = (6 * *nstate) + *nsamp + (samp * *nexon) + exon;
> entry += 1;
> }
> }
> }
> }
> for (int state = 0; state < *nstate; ++state) {
> for (int var = 0; var < 2 + sampsperstate[state]; ++var) {
> full_hess_cols[entry + var] = (4 * *nstate) + state;
> }
> full_hess_rows[entry] = (4 * *nstate) + state;
> full_hess_rows[entry + 1] = (5 * *nstate) + state;
> entry += 2;
> for (int samp = 0; samp < *nsamp; ++samp) {
> if (statecols[samp] == state) {
> full_hess_rows[entry] = (6 * *nstate) + samp;
> entry += 1;
> }
> }
> }
> for (int state = 0; state < *nstate; ++state) {
> for (int var = 0; var < 1 + sampsperstate[state]; ++var) {
> full_hess_cols[entry + var] = (5 * *nstate) + state;
> }
> full_hess_rows[entry] = (5 * *nstate) + state;
> entry += 1;
> for (int samp = 0; samp < *nsamp; ++samp) {
> if (statecols[samp] == state) {
> full_hess_rows[entry] = (6 * *nstate) + samp;
> entry += 1;
> }
> }
> }
> for (int samp = 0; samp < *nsamp; ++samp) {
> for (int var = 0; var < 1 + *nexon + *nseg; ++var) {
> full_hess_cols[entry + var] = (6 * *nstate) + samp;
> }
> full_hess_rows[entry] = (6 * *nstate) + samp;
> entry += 1;
> for (int exon = 0; exon < *nexon; ++exon) {
> full_hess_rows[entry] = (6 * *nstate) + *nsamp + (samp * *nexon) + exon;
> entry += 1;
> }
> for (int seg = 0; seg < *nseg; ++seg) {
> full_hess_rows[entry] = (6 * *nstate) + (*nsamp * (*nexon + 1)) + (samp
> * *nseg) + seg;
> entry += 1;
> }
> }
> for (int samp = 0; samp < *nsamp; ++samp) {
> int startseg = 0;
> for (int exon = 0; exon < *nexon; ++exon) {
> for (int var = 0; var < 1 + segsperexon[exon]; ++var) {
> full_hess_cols[entry + var] = (6 * *nstate) + *nsamp + (samp * *nexon) +
> exon;
> }
> startseg += segsperexon[exon];
> full_hess_rows[entry] = (6 * *nstate) + *nsamp + (samp * *nexon) + exon;
> entry += 1;
> for (int seg = startseg; seg < startseg + segsperexon[exon]; ++seg) {
> full_hess_rows[entry] = (6 * *nstate) + (*nsamp * (*nexon + 1)) + (samp
> * *nseg) + seg;
> entry += 1;
> }
> }
> }
> for (int var = (6 * *nstate) + (*nsamp * (*nexon + 1)); var < *nvar;
> ++var) {
> full_hess_cols[entry] = var;
> full_hess_rows[entry] = var;
> entry += 1;
> }
> return true;
> }
> bool init_bounds()
> {
> double curmax;
> for (int entry = 0; entry < 4 * *nvar; ++entry) {
> x_L[entry] = 0.01;
> x_U[entry] = 100.0;
> }
> for (int entry = (6 * *nstate) + *nsamp; entry < *nvar; ++entry) {
> x_L[entry] = 0.001;
> x_U[entry] = 0.999;
> }
> for (int samp = 0; samp < *nsamp; ++samp) {
> curmax = 0;
> for (int exon = 0; exon < *nexon; ++exon) {
> if (readmaxes[(samp * *nexon) + exon] > curmax) {
> curmax = readmaxes[(samp * *nexon) + exon];
> }
> }
> x_L[(6 * *nstate) + samp] = curmax / 0.999;
> x_U[(6 * *nstate) + samp] = 1000 * curmax;
> }
> for (int state = 0; state < *nstate; ++state) {
> curmax = 0;
> for (int samp = 0; samp < *nsamp; ++samp) {
> if (statecols[samp] == state) {
> curmax += x_L[(6 * *nstate) + samp];
> }
> }
> curmax /= sampsperstate[state];
> x_L[(4 * *nstate) + state] = 0.0001 * curmax;
> x_U[(4 * *nstate) + state] = 10000 * curmax;
> x_L[(5 * *nstate) + state] = 0.0000001 * curmax;
> x_U[(5 * *nstate) + state] = 10000 * curmax;
> }
> for (int cons = 0; cons < *ncon; ++cons) {
> g_L[cons] = 0.001;
> g_U[cons] = 2.0 * pow(10, 19);
> }
> return true;
> }
> bool init_start_X()
> {
> for (int entry = 0; entry < 4 * *nstate; ++entry) {
> start_X[entry] = 1.0;
> }
> double readmax;
> double statemeans[*nstate];
> for (int state = 0; state < *nstate; ++state) {
> statemeans[state] = 0;
> }
> for (int samp = 0; samp < *nsamp; ++samp) {
> readmax = 0;
> for (int win = 0; win < *nwin; ++win) {
> if (reads[(samp * *nwin) + win] > readmax) {
> readmax = reads[(samp * *nwin) + win];
> }
> }
> start_X[(6 * *nstate) + samp] = 2.0 * readmax;
> statemeans[statecols[samp]] += 2.0 * readmax;
> }
> for (int state = 0; state < *nstate; ++state) {
> start_X[(4 * *nstate) + state] = statemeans[state] / sampsperstate[state];
> start_X[(5 * *nstate) + state] = 0.1 * statemeans[state] /
> sampsperstate[state];
> }
> for (int entry = (6 * *nstate) + *nsamp; entry < *nvar; ++entry) {
> start_X[entry] = 0.99;
> }
> for (int entry = 0; entry < *nvar; ++entry) {
> current_X[entry] = start_X[entry];
> }
> for (int entry = 0; entry < 7; ++entry) {
> eval_counts[entry] = 0;
> }
> return true;
> }
> /* Likelihood and constraint calculations */
> bool eval_ll(double *X_in, double &eval)
> {
> boost::shared_array<double> X(X_in);
> evaluations::ll_full(*nsamp,*nwin,*nvar,statecols,
> exonrows,segrows,*nstate,*nexon,*nseg,
> reads,X,eval);
> for (int entry = 0; entry < *nvar; ++entry) { current_X[entry] =
> X[entry] ; }
> *current_ll = eval;
> eval_counts[0] += 1;
> return true;
> }
> bool eval_cons(double *X, double *cons)
> {
> for (int samp = 0; samp < *nsamp; ++samp) {
> for (int exon = 0; exon < *nexon; ++exon) {
> cons[(samp * *nexon) + exon] = (X[(6 * *nstate) + samp] * X[(6 *
> *nstate) + *nsamp + (samp * *nexon) + exon]) - readmaxes[(samp * *nexon)
> + exon];
> }
> }
> for (int entry = 0; entry < *nvar; ++entry) { current_X[entry] =
> X[entry] ; }
> for (int entry = 0; entry < *ncon; ++entry) { current_cons[entry] =
> cons[entry] ; }
> eval_counts[1] += 1;
> return true;
> }
> bool eval_ll_grad(double *X_in, double *grad_in)
> {
> boost::shared_array<double> X(X_in);
> boost::shared_array<double> grad(grad_in);
> evaluations::ll_grad_full(*nsamp,*nwin,*nvar,statecols,
> exonrows,segrows,*nstate,*nexon,*nseg,
> reads,X,grad);
> for (int entry = 0; entry < *nvar; ++entry) { current_X[entry] =
> X[entry] ; }
> for (int entry = 0; entry < *nvar; ++entry) { current_ll_grad[entry] =
> grad[entry] ; }
> eval_counts[2] += 1;
> return true;
> }
> bool eval_cons_jac(double *X, double *jac)
> {
> for (int samp = 0; samp < *nsamp; ++samp) {
> for (int exon = 0; exon < *nexon; ++exon) {
> jac[2 * ((samp * *nexon) + exon)] = X[(6 * *nstate) + *nsamp + (samp *
> *nexon) + exon];
> jac[(2 * ((samp * *nexon) + exon)) + 1] = X[(6 * *nstate) + samp];
> }
> }
> for (int entry = 0; entry < *nvar; ++entry) { current_X[entry] =
> X[entry] ; }
> for (int entry = 0; entry < *jac_entries; ++entry) {
> current_cons_jac[entry] = jac[entry] ; }
> eval_counts[3] += 1;
> return true;
> }
> bool eval_ll_hess(double *X_in, double *hess_in)
> {
> boost::shared_array<double> X(X_in);
> boost::shared_array<double> hess(hess_in);
> evaluations::ll_hess_full(*nsamp,*nwin,*nvar,*hess_entries,statecols,
> exonrows,segrows,*nstate,*nexon,*nseg,
> sampsperstate,segsperexon,reads,X,hess);
> for (int entry = 0; entry < *nvar; ++entry) { current_X[entry] =
> X[entry] ; }
> for (int entry = 0; entry < *hess_entries; ++entry) {
> current_ll_hess[entry] = hess[entry] ; }
> eval_counts[4] += 1;
> return true;
> }
> bool eval_cons_hess(double *X, double *hess)
> {
> for (int entry = 0; entry < *ncon; ++entry) {
> hess[entry] = 1.0;
> }
> for (int entry = 0; entry < *nvar; ++entry) { current_X[entry] =
> X[entry] ; }
> for (int entry = 0; entry < *ncon; ++entry) { current_cons_hess[entry] =
> hess[entry] ; }
> eval_counts[5] += 1;
> return true;
> }
> bool eval_lagrangian(double *X, double &obj_factor, double *lambda,
> double *lagrangian)
> {
> int Nstart;
> eval_ll_hess(X, lagrangian);
> for (int entry = 0; entry < *hess_entries; ++entry) {
> lagrangian[entry] *= obj_factor;
> }
> for (int samp = 0; samp < *nsamp; ++samp) {
> Nstart = (9 * *nstate) + (2 * *nseg * *nsamp) + (2 * *nexon * *nsamp) +
> (2 * *nsamp) + (samp * (1 + *nexon + *nseg));
> for (int exon = 0; exon < *nexon; ++exon) {
> lagrangian[Nstart + 1 + exon] += lambda[(samp * *nexon) + exon];
> }
> }
> for (int entry = 0; entry < *nvar; ++entry) { current_X[entry] =
> X[entry] ; }
> *current_obj_factor = obj_factor;
> for (int entry = 0; entry < *ncon; ++entry) { current_lambda[entry] =
> lambda[entry] ; }
> for (int entry = 0; entry < *hess_entries; ++entry) {
> current_lagrangian[entry] = lagrangian[entry] ; }
> eval_counts[6] += 1;
> return true;
> }
> bool eval_ll_py(numeric::array const &X_py, numeric::array const &eval_py)
> {
> double *X = new double [*nvar];
> double eval;
> for (int entry = 0; entry < *nvar; ++entry) { X[entry] =
> double(X_py[entry]) ; }
> eval_ll(X, eval);
> eval_py[0] = eval;
> return true;
> }
> bool eval_cons_py(numeric::array const &X_py, numeric::array const &cons_py)
> {
> double *X = new double [*nvar];
> double *cons = new double [*ncon];
> for (int entry = 0; entry < *nvar; ++entry) { X[entry] =
> double(X_py[entry]) ; }
> eval_cons(X, cons);
> for (int entry = 0; entry < *ncon; ++entry) { cons_py[entry] =
> cons[entry] ; }
> return true;
> }
> bool eval_ll_grad_py(numeric::array const &X_py, numeric::array const
> &grad_py)
> {
> double *X = new double [*nvar];
> double *grad = new double [*nvar];
> for (int entry = 0; entry < *nvar; ++entry) { X[entry] =
> double(X_py[entry]) ; }
> eval_ll_grad(X, grad);
> for (int entry = 0; entry < *nvar; ++entry) { grad_py[entry] =
> grad[entry] ; }
> return true;
> }
> bool eval_cons_jac_py(numeric::array const &X_py, numeric::array const
> &jac_py)
> {
> double *X = new double [*nvar];
> double *jac = new double [*jac_entries];
> for (int entry = 0; entry < *nvar; ++entry) { X[entry] =
> double(X_py[entry]) ; }
> eval_cons_jac(X, jac);
> for (int entry = 0; entry < *jac_entries; ++entry) { jac_py[entry] =
> jac[entry] ; }
> return true;
> }
> bool eval_ll_hess_py(numeric::array const &X_py, numeric::array const
> &hess_py)
> {
> double *X = new double [*nvar];
> double *hess = new double [*hess_entries];
> for (int entry = 0; entry < *nvar; ++entry) { X[entry] =
> double(X_py[entry]) ; }
> eval_ll_hess(X, hess);
> for (int entry = 0; entry < *hess_entries; ++entry) { hess_py[entry] =
> hess[entry] ; }
> return true;
> }
> bool eval_cons_hess_py(numeric::array const &X_py, numeric::array const
> &hess_py)
> {
> double *X = new double [*nvar];
> double *hess = new double [*ncon];
> for (int entry = 0; entry < *nvar; ++entry) { X[entry] =
> double(X_py[entry]) ; }
> eval_cons_hess(X, hess);
> for (int entry = 0; entry < *ncon; ++entry) { hess_py[entry] =
> hess[entry] ; }
> return true;
> }
> bool eval_lagrangian_py(numeric::array const &X_py, numeric::array const
> &obj_factor_py, numeric::array const &lambda_py, numeric::array const
> &lagrangian_py)
> {
> double *X = new double [*nvar];
> double obj_factor;
> double *lambda = new double [*ncon];
> double *lagrangian = new double [*hess_entries];
> for (int entry = 0; entry < *nvar; ++entry) { X[entry] =
> double(X_py[entry]) ; }
> obj_factor = double(obj_factor_py[0]);
> for (int entry = 0; entry < *ncon; ++entry) { lambda[entry] =
> double(lambda_py[entry]) ; }
> eval_lagrangian(X, obj_factor, lambda, lagrangian);
> for (int entry = 0; entry < *hess_entries; ++entry) {
> lagrangian_py[entry] = lagrangian[entry] ; }
> return true;
> }
> /* Variable access */
> template <class T> bool update_var(std::string var_name, T var_value)
> {
> if (var_name == "gene_count") { gene_count = var_value ; }
> if (var_name == "nstate") { *nstate = var_value ; }
> if (var_name == "nsamp") { *nsamp = var_value ; }
> if (var_name == "nexon") { *nexon = var_value ; }
> if (var_name == "nseg") { *nseg = var_value ; }
> if (var_name == "nwin") { *nwin = var_value ; }
> if (var_name == "nvar") { *nvar = var_value ; }
> if (var_name == "ncon") { *ncon = var_value ; }
> if (var_name == "nsingle") { *nsingle = var_value ; }
> if (var_name == "hsingle") { *hsingle = var_value ; }
> if (var_name == "jac_entries") { *jac_entries = var_value ; }
> if (var_name == "hess_entries") { *hess_entries = var_value ; }
> if (var_name == "current_ll") { *current_ll = var_value ; }
> if (var_name == "current_obj_factor") { *current_obj_factor = var_value ; }
> }
> template <class T> bool return_var(std::string var_name, T &var_value)
> {
> if (var_name == "gene_count") {var_value = gene_count ; }
> if (var_name == "nstate") { var_value = *nstate ; }
> if (var_name == "nsamp") { var_value = *nsamp ; }
> if (var_name == "nexon") { var_value = *nexon ; }
> if (var_name == "nseg") { var_value = *nseg ; }
> if (var_name == "nwin") { var_value = *nwin ; }
> if (var_name == "nvar") { var_value = *nvar ; }
> if (var_name == "ncon") { var_value = *ncon ; }
> if (var_name == "nsingle") { var_value = *nsingle ; }
> if (var_name == "hsingle") { var_value = *hsingle ; }
> if (var_name == "jac_entries") { var_value = *jac_entries ; }
> if (var_name == "hess_entries") { var_value = *hess_entries ; }
> if (var_name == "current_ll") { var_value = *current_ll ; }
> if (var_name == "current_obj_factor") { var_value = *current_obj_factor ; }
> }
> template <class T> bool update_vec_var(std::string var_name, int
> var_length, T var_value[])
> {
> if (var_name == "statecols") {for (int entry = 0; entry < var_length;
> ++entry) { statecols[entry] = var_value[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "sampcols") {for (int entry = 0; entry < var_length;
> ++entry) { sampcols[entry] = var_value[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "exonrows") {for (int entry = 0; entry < var_length;
> ++entry) { exonrows[entry] = var_value[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "segrows") {for (int entry = 0; entry < var_length;
> ++entry) { segrows[entry] = var_value[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "sampsperstate") {for (int entry = 0; entry <
> var_length; ++entry) { sampsperstate[entry] = var_value[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "segsperexon") {for (int entry = 0; entry < var_length;
> ++entry) { segsperexon[entry] = var_value[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "single_hess_rows") {for (int entry = 0; entry <
> var_length; ++entry) { single_hess_rows[entry] = var_value[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "single_hess_cols") {for (int entry = 0; entry <
> var_length; ++entry) { single_hess_cols[entry] = var_value[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "jac_rows") {for (int entry = 0; entry < var_length;
> ++entry) { jac_rows[entry] = var_value[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "jac_cols") {for (int entry = 0; entry < var_length;
> ++entry) { jac_cols[entry] = var_value[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "full_hess_rows") {for (int entry = 0; entry <
> var_length; ++entry) { full_hess_rows[entry] = var_value[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "full_hess_cols") {for (int entry = 0; entry <
> var_length; ++entry) { full_hess_cols[entry] = var_value[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "reads") {for (int entry = 0; entry < var_length;
> ++entry) { reads[entry] = var_value[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "readmaxes") {for (int entry = 0; entry < var_length;
> ++entry) { readmaxes[entry] = var_value[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "eval_counts") {for (int entry = 0; entry < var_length;
> ++entry) { eval_counts[entry] = var_value[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "start_X") {for (int entry = 0; entry < var_length;
> ++entry) { start_X[entry] = var_value[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "x_L") {for (int entry = 0; entry < var_length; ++entry)
> { x_L[entry] = var_value[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "x_U") {for (int entry = 0; entry < var_length; ++entry)
> { x_U[entry] = var_value[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "g_L") {for (int entry = 0; entry < var_length; ++entry)
> { g_L[entry] = var_value[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "g_U") {for (int entry = 0; entry < var_length; ++entry)
> { g_U[entry] = var_value[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "current_X") {for (int entry = 0; entry < var_length;
> ++entry) { current_X[entry] = var_value[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "current_cons") {for (int entry = 0; entry < var_length;
> ++entry) { current_cons[entry] = var_value[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "current_ll_grad") {for (int entry = 0; entry <
> var_length; ++entry) { current_ll_grad[entry] = var_value[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "current_cons_jac") {for (int entry = 0; entry <
> var_length; ++entry) { current_cons_jac[entry] = var_value[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "current_ll_hess") {for (int entry = 0; entry <
> var_length; ++entry) { current_ll_hess[entry] = var_value[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "current_cons_hess") {for (int entry = 0; entry <
> var_length; ++entry) { current_cons_hess[entry] = var_value[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "current_lambda") {for (int entry = 0; entry <
> var_length; ++entry) { current_lambda[entry] = var_value[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "current_lagrangian") {for (int entry = 0; entry <
> var_length; ++entry) { current_lagrangian[entry] = var_value[entry] ; } }
> }
> template <class T> bool return_vec_var(std::string var_name, int
> var_length, T var_value[])
> {
> if (var_name == "statecols") {for (int entry = 0; entry < var_length;
> ++entry) { var_value[entry] = statecols[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "sampcols") {for (int entry = 0; entry < var_length;
> ++entry) { var_value[entry] = sampcols[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "exonrows") {for (int entry = 0; entry < var_length;
> ++entry) { var_value[entry] = exonrows[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "segrows") {for (int entry = 0; entry < var_length;
> ++entry) { var_value[entry] = segrows[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "sampsperstate") {for (int entry = 0; entry <
> var_length; ++entry) { var_value[entry] = sampsperstate[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "segsperexon") {for (int entry = 0; entry < var_length;
> ++entry) { var_value[entry] = segsperexon[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "single_hess_rows") {for (int entry = 0; entry <
> var_length; ++entry) { var_value[entry] = single_hess_rows[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "single_hess_cols") {for (int entry = 0; entry <
> var_length; ++entry) { var_value[entry] = single_hess_cols[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "jac_rows") {for (int entry = 0; entry < var_length;
> ++entry) { var_value[entry] = jac_rows[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "jac_cols") {for (int entry = 0; entry < var_length;
> ++entry) { var_value[entry] = jac_cols[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "full_hess_rows") {for (int entry = 0; entry <
> var_length; ++entry) { var_value[entry] = full_hess_rows[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "full_hess_cols") {for (int entry = 0; entry <
> var_length; ++entry) { var_value[entry] = full_hess_cols[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "reads") {for (int entry = 0; entry < var_length;
> ++entry) { var_value[entry] = reads[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "readmaxes") {for (int entry = 0; entry < var_length;
> ++entry) { var_value[entry] = readmaxes[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "eval_counts") {for (int entry = 0; entry < var_length;
> ++entry) { var_value[entry] = eval_counts[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "start_X") {for (int entry = 0; entry < var_length;
> ++entry) { var_value[entry] = start_X[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "x_L") {for (int entry = 0; entry < var_length; ++entry)
> { var_value[entry] = x_L[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "x_U") {for (int entry = 0; entry < var_length; ++entry)
> { var_value[entry] = x_U[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "g_L") {for (int entry = 0; entry < var_length; ++entry)
> { var_value[entry] = g_L[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "g_U") {for (int entry = 0; entry < var_length; ++entry)
> { var_value[entry] = g_U[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "current_X") {for (int entry = 0; entry < var_length;
> ++entry) { var_value[entry] = current_X[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "current_cons") {for (int entry = 0; entry < var_length;
> ++entry) { var_value[entry] = current_cons[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "current_ll_grad") {for (int entry = 0; entry <
> var_length; ++entry) { var_value[entry] = current_ll_grad[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "current_cons_jac") {for (int entry = 0; entry <
> var_length; ++entry) { var_value[entry] = current_cons_jac[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "current_ll_hess") {for (int entry = 0; entry <
> var_length; ++entry) { var_value[entry] = current_ll_hess[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "current_cons_hess") {for (int entry = 0; entry <
> var_length; ++entry) { var_value[entry] = current_cons_hess[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "current_lambda") {for (int entry = 0; entry <
> var_length; ++entry) { var_value[entry] = current_lambda[entry] ; } }
> if (var_name == "current_lagrangian") {for (int entry = 0; entry <
> var_length; ++entry) { var_value[entry] = current_lagrangian[entry] ; } }
> }
> bool update_var_py(std::string var_name_py, numeric::array const &const
> &var_value_py, int var_length_py, std::string var_type_py)
> {
> if (var_type_py == "int") {
> if (var_length_py == 1) {
> int var_value = int(var_value_py[0]);
> update_var(var_name_py, var_value);
> } else {
> int *var_value = new int [var_length_py];
> for (int entry = 0; entry < var_length_py; ++entry) {
> var_value[entry] = int(var_value_py[entry]);
> }
> update_vec_var(var_name_py, var_length_py, var_value);
> }
> } else {
> if (var_length_py == 1) {
> double var_value = double(var_value_py[0]);
> update_var(var_name_py, var_value);
> } else {
> double *var_value = new double [var_length_py];
> for (int entry = 0; entry < var_length_py; ++entry) {
> var_value[entry] = double(var_value_py[entry]);
> }
> update_vec_var(var_name_py, var_length_py, var_value);
> }
> }
> return true;
> }
> numeric::array const &return_var_py(std::string var_name_py, int
> var_length_py, std::string var_type_py)
> {
> list var_value_list_py = list();
> if (var_type_py == "int") {
> if (var_length_py == 1) {
> int var_value;
> return_var(var_name_py, var_value);
> var_value_py.append(int(var_value));
> } else {
> int *var_value = new int [var_length_py];
> return_vec_var(var_name_py, var_length_py, var_value);
> for (int entry = 0; entry < var_length_py; ++entry) {
> var_value_py.append(int(var_value[entry]));
> }
> }
> } else {
> if (var_length_py == 1) {
> double var_value;
> return_var(var_name_py, var_value);
> var_value_py.append(double(var_value));
> } else {
> double *var_value = new double [var_length_py];
> return_vec_var(var_name_py, var_length_py, var_value);
> for (int entry = 0; entry < var_length_py; ++entry) {
> var_value_py.append(double(var_value[entry]));
> }
> }
> }
> numeric::array const &var_value_array_py =
> numeric::array(var_value_list_py);
> return var_value_array_py;
> }
> private:
> int gene_count;
> boost::shared_ptr<int> nstate;
> boost::shared_ptr<int> nsamp;
> boost::shared_ptr<int> nexon;
> boost::shared_ptr<int> nseg;
> boost::shared_ptr<int> nwin;
> boost::shared_ptr<int> nvar;
> boost::shared_ptr<int> ncon;
> boost::shared_ptr<int> nsingle;
> boost::shared_ptr<int> hsingle;
> boost::shared_ptr<int> jac_entries;
> boost::shared_ptr<int> hess_entries;
> boost::shared_ptr<double> current_ll;
> boost::shared_ptr<double> current_obj_factor;
> boost::shared_array<int> statecols;
> boost::shared_array<int> sampcols;
> boost::shared_array<int> exonrows;
> boost::shared_array<int> segrows;
> boost::shared_array<int> sampsperstate;
> boost::shared_array<int> segsperexon;
> boost::shared_array<int> single_hess_rows;
> boost::shared_array<int> single_hess_cols;
> boost::shared_array<int> jac_rows;
> boost::shared_array<int> jac_cols;
> boost::shared_array<int> full_hess_rows;
> boost::shared_array<int> full_hess_cols;
> boost::shared_array<int> eval_counts;
> boost::shared_array<double> reads;
> boost::shared_array<double> readmaxes;
> boost::shared_array<double> start_X;
> boost::shared_array<double> x_L;
> boost::shared_array<double> x_U;
> boost::shared_array<double> g_L;
> boost::shared_array<double> g_U;
> boost::shared_array<double> current_X;
> boost::shared_array<double> current_cons;
> boost::shared_array<double> current_ll_grad;
> boost::shared_array<double> current_cons_jac;
> boost::shared_array<double> current_ll_hess;
> boost::shared_array<double> current_cons_hess;
> boost::shared_array<double> current_lambda;
> boost::shared_array<double> current_lagrangian;
> };
> }
> }
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> Cplusplus-sig at python.org
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/cplusplus-sig

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