[C++-sig] boost.python newbie hassles

Willi Richert w.richert at gmx.net
Wed Aug 9 16:32:21 CEST 2006


As I am exploring whether I can let my students use it in our robotics group I 
like it more and more. However, there are some little problems for newbies:

1. the web doc is out of date. 
e.g. is very different from the doc in the tar.bz2 on sourceforge. A simple 
copy of the tar version to the web would be enough I think and save lots of 

2. boost.python projects have to be located in the boost directory tree, other 
than printed at the tutorial docs - as far as I have tried. If I move the 
tutorial greet example to another directory and update path-global in 
Jamrules I always get: 

 wr@[ikarus]:~/workspace/Boost.Python/src> bjam
Failed to find the project root for directory '.'.
Did not find a project-root.jam file there or in any of its parent 
Please consult the documentation at 'http://www.boost.org'.

I'm using ubuntur 6.06. There I have installed 

In order to get the tutorial compiled I have to use the sf.net downloaded 
version. The above mentioned packages do not suffice. Shouldn't they?

My version of bjam is
Boost.Jam  Version 3.1.11. OS=LINUX


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