[Conferences] Establishing a new conference

Chad Cooper chad.cooper at pyarkansas.org
Fri Jul 12 04:25:13 CEST 2013

Jason, SouthernPy sounds like a great idea! As others have stated, no
blessing is needed from the PSF, except for using the Python logo in any
form in your logo IF you use parts of it (like just the snakes). For
pyArkansas, we also ran our t-shirt design past them just to be safe as it
had the Python logo on it as well. The best guide out there that I know of
is the one started by Jesse, from Python import
I put quite a bit of info in there on
further you go into the years, the more info due to our growth). A lot of
your questions are answered in from Python import conference.



On Thu, Jul 11, 2013 at 12:47 PM, Jason Myers <jason at jasonamyers.com> wrote:

> We'd like to have a PyTennessee or SouthernPy conference.  How do we go
> about getting the blessed and assisted by the PSF? Or are we free to just
> go seek sponsors and locations on our own? Do we need to be a 501? Is there
> a "How to conference guide?" last one was a joke.... sort of.
> Thanks,
> Jason Myers
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