[Conferences] Establishing a new conference

Eric Floehr eric at intellovations.com
Thu Jul 11 20:59:33 CEST 2013

Heh, call me slow, just realized you *are* coming to PyOhio. And speaking!
So, please, definitely pull me aside to talk.

See you there!

On Thu, Jul 11, 2013 at 2:56 PM, Eric Floehr <eric at intellovations.com>wrote:

> Hi Jason,
> I've chaired PyOhio for the last three years, and we'd love to see more
> conferences. With PyCon being capped, and with us only able to accept a
> third of the talk proposals we received this year, there is increasing
> demand for more get togethers where we can share and learn from one another.
> I am not a board member of the PSF, so I can only speak to my experience
> in answering some of your questions. I don't speak for the PSF.
> As for needing to be a 501, no you don't need to be. PyOhio only
> incorporated last year (this is our sixth year) and is still waiting on 501
> status (we got caught up in the 501 scandal too). What incorporating does
> is gives you a structure to do things under rather than having individuals,
> and it helpful once you've reached critical mass. But you don't need it to
> start generally. 501 status makes paying taxes easier, otherwise if you
> have money in the bank at the end of the year, you have to pay taxes. Also,
> some sponsors prefer that because they can use funds from a different
> category (charitable spending) rather than from a marketing or recruitment
> budget.
> As for PSF blessing, we've never asked for PSF "blessing", but we have
> made sure they know what we are doing so they can help promote it. They
> want Python to grow and are excited for any opportunity to help Python
> experts and newbies learn and grow in the language. We have been blessed
> that PSF has had funds to sponsor our Sprints (buying food) for a few
> years, and has helped subsidize our video recording costs (THANK YOU!). If
> you use the Python logo itself, you do need to follow the guidelines and
> ask for permission.
> There are a number of conference "how-to's" and I have on my to-do list
> writing up my experience with PyOhio (soon...). But off the top of my head,
> here are some suggestions:
> PyOhio's first year was in the Columbus Public Library main branch meeting
> rooms. Ever since we've used facilities at The Ohio State University, and
> we've been able to rent that space very inexpensively because we work with
> the student Open Source Club and we have an educational mission.  So my
> first advice would be to find cheap or free space. You don't need to get
> fancy.  Make sure they have projectors, and a microphone if the room is
> large.
> A few supplies, like name tags, a poster board to sign up for lightning
> talks if you have them (they are very fun and popular), and a printed
> program/schedule (we fold a standard size paper in half) is all you really
> need, and you might not even need that.
> As for paying, we rely on sponsors and donations. The last three years
> we've also made some money by selling t-shirts (not required to attend, but
> for folks that want to help out or want a t-shirt). Think bake sale.
> Sponsors definitely like to help out. Generally we've had success with
> sponsors who hire tech people (local consulting companies, technology
> companies), and companies that sell to them. They get a benefit by getting
> in front of motivated developers, and you get a benefit by paying for your
> hard costs.
> Finally, get the word out about your conference... there are lots of
> people willing and wanting to talk, and attend. They just need to know
> about it!
> I hope this has helped a little, and you can contact me any time to talk
> (though preferably next month after PyOhio), and if you aren't planning to
> already, come on up to PyOhio July 27-28 and we can talk more!
> Best of luck and keep me in the loop! I'll do what I can to promote.
> Cheers,
> Eric
> On Thu, Jul 11, 2013 at 1:47 PM, Jason Myers <jason at jasonamyers.com>wrote:
>> We'd like to have a PyTennessee or SouthernPy conference.  How do we go
>> about getting the blessed and assisted by the PSF? Or are we free to just
>> go seek sponsors and locations on our own? Do we need to be a 501? Is there
>> a "How to conference guide?" last one was a joke.... sort of.
>> Thanks,
>> Jason Myers
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