[Compiler-sig] funcdef parameters

Finn Bock bckfnn@worldonline.dk
Sun, 14 Apr 2002 13:47:32 GMT


I'm trying to understand the 'arguments' production.

	arguments = (identifier* args, identifier? vararg, 
		     identifier? kwarg, expr* defaults)

First, I'll ignore the posibility of tuple parameter.

I'm guessing that 'vararg' is what is called 'starargs' in the Call
ctor. I'm also guessing that 'defaults' contain the keyword values like

   def foo(a, b, c=1, d=2, *lst, *kw): pass
   arguments([a, b, c, d], lst, kw, [1, 2])

or maybe?

   arguments([a, b, c, d], lst, kw, [None, None, 1, 2])

Second, we have to add tuple parameters and the simplest way I can see
looks like this.

@@ -85,8 +85,11 @@
        except = (expr? type, assign? name, stmt* body)

        -- XXX need to handle 'def f((a, b)):'
-       arguments = (identifier* args, identifier? vararg,
+       arguments = (fpdef* args, identifier? vararg,
                     identifier? kwarg, expr* defaults)
+        fpdef = FpList(fpdef* list)
+              | FpName(identifier id)

         -- keyword arguments supplied to call
         keyword = (identifier arg, expr value)
