[code-quality] Astroid 2.0.1 vs 2.0.0 changes PyLint

Kay Hayen kay.hayen at gmail.com
Sun Jul 22 04:10:45 EDT 2018

Hello there,

I think this is not the first time this has happened to me. I am
running PyLint on Travis, and as of recently, I fixed the PyLint
version to be ==2.0.0 which is still up to date. However, now it
installs Astroid 2.0.1 which causes this:

nuitka/nodes/NodeBases.py:273 E0237 assigning-non-slot
NodeBase.setCompatibleSourceReference Assigning to attribute
'effective_source_ref' not defined in class slots
nuitka/nodes/NodeBases.py:272 I0021 useless-suppression  Useless
suppression of 'attribute-defined-outside-init'

The name or kind of message that PyLint outputs changed here it seems.

Plus I am getting what I consider a false alarm:

nuitka/Errors.py:37 E1133 not-an-iterable NuitkaNodeError.__str__
Non-iterable value self.args is used in an iterating context

This is self.args from Exception, as can be seen in the code here:

class NuitkaErrorBase(Exception):

class NuitkaNodeError(NuitkaErrorBase):

    # Try to output more information about nodes passed.
    def __str__(self):
        from nuitka.codegen.Indentation import indented

        parts = [""]

        for arg in self.args:
            if hasattr(arg, "asXmlText"):
                parts.append(indented("\n%s\n" % arg.asXmlText()))

        parts.append("The above information should be included in a
bug report.")

        return '\n'.join(parts)

And then another regression:

nuitka/nodes/NodeMetaClasses.py:66 E1121 too-many-function-args
NodeCheckMetaClass.__new__ Too many positional arguments for
classmethod call

for this:
    return ABCMeta.__new__(cls, name, bases, dictionary)

But my question basically it, do I need to also fixate the astroid
version, so that I can be sure that a PyLint 2.0.0 is behaving like
another PyLint 2.0.0 ? This has been driving me nuts this morning,
sort of.


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