[code-quality] PyLint and Travis

Kay Hayen kay.hayen at gmail.com
Wed Jul 18 09:32:55 EDT 2018

Hello Florian,

> > That sounds very nice. But you wouldn't normally put pylint into
> > the standard requirements, would you, so you would have a dedicated,
> > separate requirement file for it, to use with these services?
> I often see a requirements.txt (with runtime dependencies) and a
> requirements-dev.txt (with test runners, linters, etc.) in projects.

So I went with that approach, which requires.io also supported out of
the box, very nice.

> I personally like to go even further and have one requirements file for
> every job on Travis (i.e. tests/pylint/flake8/...):
> https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/tree/master/misc/requirements

Yes, sparing resources for them by specializing totally makes sense. I
only have one job, but for all Python versions there, and I think I
should have one dedicated for Travis, so I can add "redbaron" to
development without making Travis download stuff not needed by it.
These files can include one another as I have seen, so no duplication

Anyway, thanks for the input. I had read of these things, but never
realized I should have the issue myself.


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