[Borgbackup] leftover repos

Bzzzz lazyvirus at gmx.com
Sun May 21 14:36:27 EDT 2023

On Sun, 21 May 2023 20:04:45 +0200
Boris Kirkorowicz <bkborg at kirk.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> Am 21.05.23 um 19:51 schrieb Bzzzz:
> > Let's recapitulate :
> > * you removed DIR A
> > * you find strange to find things into DIR B
> >
> > Am I the only one to see a tiny bit of discrepancy here ?
> since my understanding was that borgfs gets it's data from the repos,


> I assumed that there might be another way for borgfs than just the
> directories that don't exist any more, eg. a borg database or
> something like that.

Wrong, there's not such thing in BB (everything's located in the repo).

> If so, it might not be the clean way just to
> remove the directories and leave some dead stuff there. So I thought
> it was a good idea to ask before than lugging something around.

Looks like you zapped the repo when it's content was still borgfs
mounted, this is the only thing I see that could trigger this kind of

> If
> you remember, I have some performance problems and do not need any
> ballast.

Normally, a simple borg umount /path/to/borgfs/mount should do the
trick, but it might fail as there's nothing left of the repo - if it is
the case, simply reboot, that should cure the whole thing.

> But if it is safe just to delete these directories, I'll do that.

I missed the borgfs part at first - you can't delete anything, as the
borgfs mount is _always_ done R/O.


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