[Borgbackup] leftover repos

Boris Kirkorowicz bkborg at kirk.de
Sun May 21 14:04:45 EDT 2023


Am 21.05.23 um 19:51 schrieb Bzzzz:
> Let's recapitulate :
> * you removed DIR A
> * you find strange to find things into DIR B
> Am I the only one to see a tiny bit of discrepancy here ?

since my understanding was that borgfs gets it's data from the repos, I 
assumed that there might be another way for borgfs than just the 
directories that don't exist any more, eg. a borg database or something 
like that. If so, it might not be the clean way just to remove the 
directories and leave some dead stuff there. So I thought it was a good 
idea to ask before than lugging something around. If you remember, I 
have some performance problems and do not need any ballast.

But if it is safe just to delete these directories, I'll do that.

Mit freundlichem Gruß                                 Best regards

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