[Baypiggies] Motion | Andrew to speak on Scientific computing?

jim jim at well.com
Mon Oct 12 18:34:09 CEST 2009

   so far what we've got is tentative. this seems 
a good candidate for our november 19 meeting (the 
third, not the fourth thursday of november). 
   glen, can you run with this: is he really free 
to give this talk on that date? seems to me we 
like talks with code examples and techniques: what 
important modules are there, any caveats to their 
use? got code snippet examples? 

On Mon, 2009-10-12 at 09:09 -0700, Glen Jarvis wrote:
> It seems we have both a very eager presenter and some interest in this
> whole scientific talk theme. I know of at least two people were were
> interested in such a talk.
> And, Andrew has graciously volunteered to give such a talk around
> Thanksgiving. Since he was an author of Biopython, he certainly has
> knowledge for what is needed. 
> I don't know if this is enough interest for us to have a talk, but
> it's at least enough I can throw this out there and see what sticks.
> Here is the email Andrew originally posted:
> > For what it's worth, I'll be in the Bay Area around Thanksgiving and
> could give my EuroSciPy 2008 talk 
> > "Python Tools in Computational Chemistry (and Biology)". Slides at
> >
> > http://www.euroscipy.org/download/2008/euroscipy2008_dalke_chemistry.pdf
> >
> > What's the status of the BayPIGgies meeting for November, given that
> the 4th Thursday is Thanksgiving?
> > 
> >                               Andrew
> >                               dalke at dalkescientific.com
> I get the feeling that most people are more interested in this on a
> higher level and don't want to dig into so many details. But, I could
> be wrong on that too. (And, I don't see *how* to have this talk
> without getting into the details).
> Is there more interest? Jim, do you already have something else lined
> up? 
> Cheers,
> Glen
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