[Baypiggies] [RECRUITER] Finding work

jim jim at well.com
Fri May 22 16:16:27 CEST 2009

i believe it was wesley who suggested 
having a bayPIGgies talk relating to 
recruiters and jobs and such. is there 
interest in putting together a talk 
focusing on python job-finding and 
career paths and so on? 

On Wed, 2009-05-20 at 17:42 -0700, Shannon -jj Behrens wrote:
> On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 4:17 PM, Elan <elan.martinez at gmail.com> wrote:
> > <aahz at pythoncraft.com> wrote: "companies aren't always advertising all their
> > jobs.  Beyond that, I think you need to figure out which companies use
> > Python and apply to them directly regardless of whether they're
> > advertising (I haven't quite gotten to that stage, but it's my next
> > step)."
> >
> > Aahz, you are absolutely correct with this.  Many companies don't advertise
> > some/all/any of their available jobs.  This due to various reasons including
> > startups in "stealth mode" who don't want to widely publicize their
> > existence except through very targeted solicitations, or smaller companies
> > who don't have an internal HR or Recruiting team and who leave it up to
> > their very busy managers to get  job descriptions written and posted on the
> > careers site, or even larger companies that are constantly hiring the same
> > skill sets and so keep cycling the same job descriptions regardless or
> > whether or not the jobs are actually "active"... to name just a few reasons
> > jobs aren't always publicized or kept up to date.
> >
> > So I am a recruiter (who has connected with and established relationships
> > with a few members here at BayPiggies) and I've adhered to the guidlines of
> > not posting any jobs here without first discussing with the moderator (which
> > I haven't even done to date mostly because I haven't thought of this forum
> > as a job marketing tool) and of course I wouldn't dream of posting unless I
> > was directly representing the company:-)... So in the spirit of community I
> > would like to suggest that perhaps we start a discussion thread where we
> > help fellow members of this forum who are actively researching new job
> > opportunities by providing information/intelligence/insight/etc. about any
> > Bay Area companies who widely use Python and who we know are hiring or who
> > have been hiring python developers.
> >
> > If what Ive suggested is amenable to the Moderator and if it hasn't already
> > been done, then I would be happy to start the thread by providing the names
> > of 2-3 companies who I know are hiring or who have recently been hiring
> > python engineers, including a brief overview of the company and also the
> > best course of contact at the company for any interested parties.   It's a
> > tight market out there, let's embrace the spirit of community, and share
> > information that may more readily benefit someone else.   C'mon recruiters
> > too!  Karma isn't just a bunch of hooey.
> >
> > Moderator? It's your call.  Assuming you give the go-ahead, I'll suggest the
> > following format:
> >
> > -Company Name
> > -website if any
> > -location
> > -Brief overview of the company or as much info as can be divulged if it's in
> > "stealth"
> > -Known relevant jobs
> > -Best suggested contact (please only provide specific contact details if you
> > have that person's expressed consent to post his/her info, otherwise point
> > to generic job seekers email contact)
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Elan
> Elan, thanks for following the rules.
> <moderator hat on>
> Ok, I know that a lot of people are struggling to find work, so I'm
> going to make a one time exception.
>  * Recruiters may reply to this thread (note, that "[RECRUITER]" is in
> the subject).  Recruiters may *not* post job listings that are out of
> the area unless telecommuting is an option.  I'm sure there are other
> ways in which this allowance can be abused--please don't.
>  * People looking for work can write a short email describing what
> they are looking for along with a link to their resume.
> This is not a permanent change to our policies.  Rather, this is a
> short window in order to serve our members.  After all, this list
> exists to serve its members--specifically the ones who code in Python
> ;)
> If it gets out of hand, I reserve the right to ask everyone to stop the thread.
> I'm sorry to be so draconian, but if I don't enforce the rules to the
> best of my ability, I'll get an earful from the other members ;)
> If you have any complaints: a) I suggest you setup an email filter to
> filter out these messages b) send me email with complaints privately.
> </moderator hat on>
> Best Regards,
> -jj

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