[BangPypers] [PythonExpress]: Help in spreading word

vijay kumar vnbang2003 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 5 01:56:11 EDT 2016

Hi All,

We have updated our website (https://pythonexpress.in/) with a fresh new
look. Please visit and share feedback[0].
We have more features to be incorporated, requesting people to contribute
to the project[1].

As everyone know that we are running PythonExpress throughout year, request
all to spread the word in your college, community you are part of and help
more students learn Python.
Lets contribute to bring difference in education .

A small way to contribute back to the community.

Follow us on:

[0] https://github.com/pythonindia/wye/issues
[1] https://github.com/pythonindia/wye

With Thanks

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