[BangPypers] Getting the know-how of UI effects using HTML etc..

Vishal vsapre80 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 13 07:21:23 CEST 2009

To take this question further....It seems it would help everyone if someone
could explain...the need for Templating vs Creating HTML on the fly like we
did in CGI scripts.
Why would there be a need for Templating...if we can create similar HTML on
the fly...by simply using print statements and raw strings that can be
stored in the python file or using modules like HTMLTags.py or HTMLgen.

Also when should one use one (Templating) and when the other (Create HTML on
the fly)?

All WebWisdom is welcome :)

Thanks and best regards,
Vishal Sapre

On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 5:42 PM, Siddharth Dagar <siddharthn210 at gmail.com>wrote:

> Ajax is an acronym for Asynchronous Javascript and XML. By using Ajax, you
> can asynchronously get data from the server in the background without
> disturbing the existing page. For example, when you search in google or
> youtube (even wikipedia now), while typing out the text, it gives you some
> suggestions on whatever you are searching.  This is one of the
> implementations of ajax.
> For more, as Anurag said, 'google' it up.
> --
> Siddharth Dagar
> 1st Year Undergraduate Student
> Department of Electrical Engineering
> I.I.T. Kharagpur
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