[python-advocacy] Second-Term Status Report for Python Advocacy

Jeff Rush jeff at taupro.com
Tue Sep 25 04:09:52 CEST 2007

Stephan Deibel wrote:
> Aahz wrote:
> I'm all for the PSF continuing to fund advocacy but it'll probably
> be more focused on specific projects like this.
> We'll continue to rely on people coming to us with proposals.  The PSF
> board and members aren't really going to be able to identify and define
> the projects worth funding.

We might want to publicize this fact a bit more -- over the term I've had
people come to me very surprised that just asking actually works.  I had
people who wanted subdomains of python.org who didn't realize you could get
them and thought I had some special inside track.  And the same with getting a
mailing list created, and with the idea of making a proposal of use of funds
to the PSF.  They were waiting for the PSF to issue a call for such things.

To everyone, if you need something from the PSF, put together a brief
justification and plan, and ask for their support.


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