[python-advocacy] Second-Term Status Report for Python Advocacy

Stephan Deibel sdeibel at wingware.com
Tue Sep 25 03:37:49 CEST 2007

Aahz wrote:
> I suggest that in many ways a better purpose for this list is to focus on
> ways to get better advocacy out of the resources that present themselves
> rather than trying to get more resources for advocacy.

This is a good point and has basically already happened -- Jeff and
others did a great job with the Forrester Wave report on dynamic
languages, and that was a resource that presented itself unexpectedly.

I'm all for the PSF continuing to fund advocacy but it'll probably
be more focused on specific projects like this.

We'll continue to rely on people coming to us with proposals.  The PSF
board and members aren't really going to be able to identify and define
the projects worth funding.

- Stephan

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