[Python Wpg] Working on a Django Subversion client

Kevin Veroneau kveroneau at gmail.com
Sat Jan 15 16:15:46 EST 2011


  I noticed that while searching through Google, I was unable to find a
Django app for Subversion access.  So I took it upon myself to build one.
 So far, it supports a very basic feature set.  It works for simple browsing
of the current repo online.  It uses the pysvn module, which I must admit is
very simple and easy to use.

  For those interested in web-based Python programming, I have a website up,
which is a fairly basic Python Django website.  It displays most of Django's
core features.  My current Subversion client project is also there in a live
state.  It currently does not catch every exception, so expect a few 500
error pages, if you try something which is not supported.

  As for my last post, regarding a mod_python.publisher port to Django, this
can now also be viewed online via my Subversion client.  My next example on
this django site will be a JSONProxy example, done completely in Python,
using Pyjamas as the WebUI, and Django as the back-end service provider.

  The site can be found here:  http://django.kveroneau.info/

  The Repo for the Publisher can now be viewed online from:
  The source code for the Django site can be viewed from:
  The Django SVN client can be viewed from here:

  If you would like to check out the Django Subversion client: svn://

Hopefully these nice examples will help anybody new to Python web
programming, it's not the best example, but it's something to start with.

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