[Python Wpg] Meeting tonight

Scott Balneaves sbalneav at legalaid.mb.ca
Wed Sep 26 12:50:45 EDT 2007

Bill Reid wrote:

> I agree with both Scott and Syd. But Scott, it is certainly no worse 
> then when you fly.

Heh, don't want to turn this into a high-falutin' debate, however:

When I fly, I'm buying a service from a private company, and I know,
in advance, that the ground rules are I may be searched.  If I
feel strongly enough about NOT being searched, I am, of course, able
to drive, etc.

However, as a public institution that:

1) I used to work at
2) I pay for with my tax dollars
3) Is supposed to be dedicated to a free exchange of Knowledge

I find it particularly repugnant.  #3 bugs me more than anything.

> I do not know what is the best response to the security over-reaction 
> since 9/11. The security measures are often not rational.

I'd have no problem with an increased security guard/police presence
on campus.  That would be prudent behaviour.

> Scott, I hope you reconsider and show up tonight.

As with a previous post, I may not be on campus, but I'll certainly be
nearby. :)


Scott L. Balneaves | "Eternity is a very long time,
Systems Department |  especially towards the end."
Legal Aid Manitoba |    -- Woody Allen

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