[Python Wpg] Meeting Wednesday night

Sara Arenson sara_arenson at yahoo.ca
Wed Sep 26 02:33:20 EDT 2007

Which room is the meeting in? I don't remember where it was before.


--- Stuart Williams <stuartw at mts.net> wrote:

> Remember our meeting Wednesday night September 26th.  Remember it's
> moved up a floor from last year's venue.  See http://winnipug.ca for
> details.
> I just finished preparing a Python tutorial.  I'm also looking forward
> to the decorators topic.
> I notice, related to the recent security concerns at the U. Winnipeg,
> that their home page (http://www.uwinnipeg.ca) mentions bag searches
> and suggests you arrive early to avoid delays.  I've no idea if that
> will be relevant at 7:30 p.m.
> Stuart.

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