[Python Wpg] October meeting

Mike Pfaiffer mpfaiffer at callapple.org
Thu Sep 28 12:13:12 EDT 2006

	Last night we were talking about what we were going to do for next month. I 
guess since I'm at the computer early today I may as well start off. We are 
going to be talking about Python IDEs. Those of us who are comfortable with 
public speaking are going to give presentations on what we've tried/used. We 
are going to coordinate what we are doing here so there is no overlap during 
the presentation.

	I've looked at a number of them and found I'm most comfortable with a program 
called IDLE. Since it sounds like I'm probably the only one using it I'll do 
this one. It's fairly simple so the presentation shouldn't be too long (I 
think about five minutes, but allocate 15 to be safe). If we are going to go 
from simple to complex then this presentation should be one of the first.

	Would it be possible for someone who is bringing in a Linux laptop to install 
IDLE and bring it to the meeting? I'll do a couple short "hello world" 
programs on the fly to illustrate some of the features in the program.

	If anyone wants to do a short presentation Stuart, Syd, Scott, and I rattled 
off a few environments at the end of the meeting. There is Eric, PyPE, 
Ipython, kate (more of an editor), emacs, vi, KDevelop, SPE, and pida. There 
are more I can't remember. Stake your claim so someone with a working printer 
can put the presentations in order. Best start looking at the environments 
early so there is more to talk about. ;-)


P.S. Good presentation Jason. Scott, could you e-mail me the source of the 
first file from last night. I've an application I'm working on which could 
use it. Why reinvent the wheel?

|Call-A.P.P.L.E. and the Digital Civilization http://www.callapple.org |
|   http://members.shaw.ca/pfaiffer = Mike Pfaiffer (B.A., B.Sc.)      |
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