[Python Wpg] Had to change my e-mail account

Stuart Williams stuartw at mts.net
Wed Nov 1 07:51:45 EST 2006

>>>>> Mike Pfaiffer writes:

> I missed the last meeting too. What did I miss?

Only Scott and I showed up so after 15 minutes we packed it in and
headed out for after-meeting festivities.  Scott, who arrived a few
minutes earlier, said there was another group that thought they had
the room booked, so perhaps some others came early and left not
knowing where we were - anyone?

I suggest we move October's topic, Python IDE's, to November's

I learned quite a bit more about IPython in the past 2 weeks and it is
even more useful than I had realized earlier - you won't want to miss
my presentation.

Who else is planning to present?


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